‘Radio Show’ Shin Ae-ra “It is important not to forget the second jeongin…” [종합]

Actress Shin Ae-ra. (Photo = E-Daily DB)

[이데일리 스타in 김보영 기자] Actor Shin Ae-ra honestly shared her thoughts on the incident and challenge, an episode with her husband Cha In-pyo, and her beliefs about adoption.

Shin Ae-ra appeared as a guest on KBS Cool FM’s’Park Myung-soo’s Radio Show’ aired on the 11th, and revealed her feelings of being active on tvN’s’Quick Summary’. He said, “I happened to be doing entertainment, but I am having fun while learning because’quick arrangement’ is an area of ​​interest.” He said, “I gave you an idea for’Quick Organizing’,” he said. “Because he brought another program in the first place, he said that it would be more fun and better than that.”

I was able to find out the level of her husband Cha In-pyo’s organization. Shin Ae-ra said, “I worked hard to clean up, but Cha In-pyo was really dirty.” In the past, when using toothpaste or lotion, the lid was opened, and when the ramen was boiled, the soup was spilled on the side. He added that it is neither meticulous nor neat enough to be buried in what he ate.”

A signature question of’Radio Show’ asking for monthly income was also raised. Shin Ae-ra said, “In the past, I wasn’t interested in the department store.” “I wasn’t interested in that, but since I get older, I talk a lot around me. I am a celebrity and I have to spend as much as I earn when I earn. Even if I don’t lose, I am grateful for the circumstances that I can buy you.”

In addition, Shin-ae drew attention by confessing the fact that he had the economic sphere. He said, “With my husband Cha In-pyo, I have never used a card and shared living expenses in a special way, and I think that my money and your money are your money.” He said, “But I do the economic management. When I went to study (to the US), I started going to the bank little by little.”

Shin-ae praised her husband’s writing skills. He said, “My husband also works out, but Inpyo is talented in writing, he writes well,” he said. “I keep creating and writing scenarios these days, it’s really fun.” When asked “Isn’t it fun because it’s a couple,” he said, “I’m a little objective about that,” he said. “I have fun and have a good idea. My husband also directed a documentary, but he wanted to write and participate in production.” He said, “My husband is sad these days, it is colder than before.” He said, “I slept without blankets at night, but it’s a pity to see him sleeping tightly.”

He also told the story of two adopted daughters, Shin Ae-ra. He said, “The eldest daughter is a style of studying while crying like a boon, and the youngest is infinitely optimistic,” he said. “I didn’t pay attention to study either. I don’t care about neglect and excess, and neglect is the best. There are many times,” he confessed. He said, “I learn while doing a parenting program, learning seems to be endless,” he said. “What I felt this time was how I would become a parent if my parents didn’t study at all.”

He also revealed his thoughts on the issue of the late Jeong In-yang, who passed away after 16 months of age amid suspected abuse of his adoptive parents. Shin Ae-ra said, “First of all, adoption is not difficult. As you may know, it is difficult to raise children, and it is difficult to raise children.” In addition, Shin Ae-ra said, “I gave birth or entrusted me, this is not difficult at all.” “I have seen and raised a child, but in the case of newborns, it is really the same, but when I adopt old children, it is a little different. It’s a little hard,” he said. “If you think about the experiences that the child had before adoption, you don’t know where and what happened. There may be various traumas, big and small, and there are many difficulties in adopting such a baby.” I hope there is a legal system in place.”

Shin Ae-ra said, “If this case is true as reported, I think I should re-appraise the mentality,” he said. “Because I adopted the adoption, the story of the adoption arose. Actually, the child abuse of birth parents is more severe in terms of numbers.” He added. “It’s not a matter of adoption or not, but a question of whether parents are qualified or not, ready or not,” he said. “I think it would be right to raise a child alone, for all fathers, all adopted, all foster fathers, and all unmarried women. Raising, in the age of Corona 19, more and more parents are staying at home and alleviating the pain and anxiety of their parents to their children, and that is also abuse.” In addition, Shin Ae-ra said, “So it seems that you have to watch the abuse happening around you, not to take care of the child, but to look at it together.” He also said, “It is not a matter of adoption, but there are too many children abused than expected.”

Shin Ae-ra called for continued interest in the issue of child abuse. He also emphasized, “I will not forget again after 1~2 weeks, it is important not to forget that another Jungin can be made.”

At the same time, Shin Ae-ra confessed, “I wish that my newborn children could be raised in a home rather than a facility.” He also said, “My eldest daughter also came to me through seven places in a month after birth,” and said, “I moved from local to Seoul and went through various places, but I wish I could grow up in a foster home.”

Regarding the process of learning that their children were adopting, “I talked as soon as I came to my house.” “I held onto a child who had been born for less than a month and prayed. I wanted to let you know how blessed it is to adopt. I prayed that I was grateful for doing so and for giving me a pretty daughter, but maybe that’s why my child was adopted, but I think it’s a good thing.”

Finally, Shin Ae-ra also revealed her thoughts on the’parakeet couple’ modifier and’happiness’. Regarding the modifier’parakeet couple’, he said, “It is not burdensome.” At the same time, regarding’happiness’, he said, “There are times when I am not happy too, when I think about when I am not happy, when I pass by, when I regret, when I am worried about the future.” Shin Ae-ra said, “Because that past is not the past to come again, and that future is not necessarily the future to come, I became happy while looking for what I am grateful for.” “I added.
