Racist phrase on “Two Annoying Asians” order form, restaurant owner praises

As a Brisbane restaurant employee ordered a chicken croissant and fish taco from a customer,

A Brisbane restaurant employee ordered a chicken croissant and fish tacos from a customer, with the racist phrase “Two very annoying Asians.” [사진=인스타그램 캡처]

卝蹂몃nat湲 븘씠肄

[아시아경제 황수미 기자] A restaurant employee in Brisbane, Australia, reportedly wrote “two annoying Asians” on an Asian customer’s order form. The owner of the restaurant was also criticized for advocating for the racist comments of its employees.

According to local Australian media, an employee of a Brisbane restaurant ordered a chicken croissant and fish taco from a customer at lunch on the 2nd (local time) and wrote “Two very annoying Asians” in the form of a memo at the top.

Shay Hayston, who runs the restaurant, took a picture of the order and posted it on his social network service (SNS) with the phrase “I really like our staff,” and a smiley emoticon. They sympathized with the racist comments of the employees and used them as the subject of laughter.

When Mr. Hayston’s article became known, people criticized him, saying, “It’s never acceptable to call guests in this way these days.” “You’re the owner of the restaurant, and it’s your job to stop the staff from doing this,” said Alex, a man who lives in the area, to the restaurant manager’s Snapchat account. .

When Alex sent a message to the restaurant manager's Snapchat account, pointing out racist comments and inappropriate attitudes, the restaurant owner

When Alex sent a message to the restaurant manager’s Snapchat account pointing to racist comments and inappropriate attitudes, the restaurant owner replied, “I’m kidding.” [사진=인스타그램]

卝蹂몃nat湲 븘씠肄

However, Mr. Hayston said, “Get up your mind. It’s just a joke,” and showed the attitude of a red party. He even visited Alex’s personal Facebook account and accused him of saying, “If you have nothing to do, have a hobby. Stop pretending to be a victim.”

In response, Alex said, “At a time when hate crimes against Asians are continuing around the world, the actions of employees and Mr. Hayston’s response are terrible.” He pointed out that “racial discrimination is what describes and mentions someone’s race negatively.”

As the incident spread and criticism flooded, Mr. Hayston belatedly posted an apology on his SNS, saying, “I felt deep disappointment and embarrassment in my actions.”

Intern reporter Hwang Su-mi [email protected]
