‘Public opinion manipulation and advertisement controversy’ abolished Naver’s real-time search word after 16 years (total)

Service discontinued on the 25th of this month… Portal’Next’ abolished last year

[네이버 캡처]

[네이버 캡처]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Ji-in Hong = Naver will completely abolish the real-time search word service, which caused controversy over public opinion manipulation and advertisement, after 16 years.

Naver announced on the 4th that it will end the portal’Raising Search Search’ service and the’Search Chart’ version of the mobile Naver Home on the 25th of this month.

This service, which first appeared in May 2005 under the name of’Naver real-time search ranking’, works by analyzing search terms entered into the Naver search box for a certain period of time and showing the search terms with the largest increase in the number of inputs in order.

As Naver became the largest search portal in Korea, real-time search word rankings have served as an indicator of how much Korean people are interested in what kind of work at this moment.

However, Naver’s real-time search word was controversial over reliability.

In particular, in the course of the appointment of former Justice Minister Cho Kuk in 2019, criticism has been raised that the pros and cons of the pros and cons have become far from the original purpose of “reflecting the flow of user interest” as the pros and cons competed over the ranking of the rapidly rising search terms on Naver.

In addition, some pointed out that advertising phrases occupy most of the rapidly rising search terms rankings.


[네이버 제공]

Naver has responded through reorganization, such as applying artificial intelligence (AI) technology to display real-time search words according to the individual interests of users, and temporarily suspending the service during the election period.

Nevertheless, the controversy did not fall asleep easily, and in the end, it was decided that Naver had more dysfunctions than the pure functions of the real-time search word service.

Prior to this, Kakao, who had similar concerns, abolished the’real-time issue search word’ service following the portal in February last year.

Naver said, “Users’ behavior of using Internet services has changed significantly from before,” and said, “We will end the service in accordance with the change of a huge trend that wants to actively consume the information I need in abundance of information.”

He added, “We will continue the intent of the rapidly rising search terms that we will return to valuable information that users can use again through’Data Lab’.”

Naver artificial intelligence (AI) based search word recommendation system'Riyo'
Naver artificial intelligence (AI) based search word recommendation system’Riyo’

[네이버 제공]

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