Prosecutors said, “The deleted act is a problem” when the deleted book of North Won came out.

In 2018, the prosecution and SBS said that the report reviewing the plan to build a nuclear power plant in North Korea was deleted, but the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy released the same original text of the report, which was not deleted.

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy revealed that the detained secretary, Kim Amu-gae, deleted documents from his computer in the past of the Nuclear Power Plant Industry Policy Division, but that the same file was on another computer in the same department. It is known that the time when the same file was discovered was also around last November, before the prosecution prosecution.

The prosecution said that if a file was deleted, it was deleted, but not attempted. An official at the Daejeon District Prosecutor’s Office said on the 2nd Media Today and SNS messenger responses and calls, “For example, if someone sent an article written by someone to a file and even reported, if someone deletes the article file on the reporter’s computer, Even if it remains, it is deleted, not attempted.”

The official said in a query about why he did not write in the complaint that the same file as the deleted file existed on another computer, “In the complaint, only crimes are to be recorded.” When asked,’Isn’t it difficult to say that deleting only one file was completely deleted in a situation where there are multiple identical files, rather than deleting one file when there is only one file’,’Isn’t it that the purpose of deletion was achieved?’ Replied, “Erasement is a matter of prosecution.”

When asked,’Did you know during the investigation that there was the same file?’, the official said, “How do we know if there is another identical file?” and “I didn’t know”. The official said, “But it would have been possible to make predictions,” he said. I don’t know how it remained.” It was also noted that the secretary Amugae Kim paid attention to why he deleted the files on the computer, not his own. However, an official at the nuclear power plant policy section of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy said that on the night of the 1st night in Media Today and on the phone, the prosecution would have been aware of all computers with the same files.

▲ On December 9 of last year, participants criticized the investigation of the Daejeon District Prosecutor's Investigation of the economic feasibility of the Wolsong Unit 1 nuclear power plant in the city state declaration held in front of the Daejeon District Prosecutors' Office in Daejeon.  ⒸYonhap News
▲ On December 9 of last year, participants criticized the investigation of the Daejeon District Prosecutor’s Investigation of the economic feasibility of the Wolsong Unit 1 nuclear power plant in the city state declaration held in front of the Daejeon District Prosecutors’ Office in Daejeon. ⒸYonhap News

In addition, they answered that there was a problem with SBS’s disclosure of the entire contents of the complaint. The official said, “It is not the same as the prosecution indictment,” and “it is difficult to confirm which one is not the same,” regarding the indictment reported and disclosed by SBS. This official replied, “We do not know how we got it, and it was not provided by the Daejeon District Prosecutors’ Office.”

When asked whether the disclosure of the complaint was valid, the official said, “I think the disclosure of the complaint is wrong,” and said, “As a result of our grasp, we confirmed that it was not provided by us, so we respond.” “But if it wasn’t provided by the defendant, the defendant could have a problem,” he said. “The problem may vary depending on who provided it.”

On the 2nd, the defendant said through Media Today and SNS messenger that “we did not provide the complaint.”

Along with this, the’Sell to the End’ team of the SBS Exploration and Press Department, who reported on this issue, did not respond to the situation in which the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy released the original text of the file that it had deleted. SBS reporter Kim Do-gyun, who made the report, sent the Panda team’s response through SNS messenger until the end of the afternoon on the 2nd. Reporter Kim responded to the question,’Did you know that the Ministry of Commerce and Industry had the same file during the interview?’ and’If you knew, shouldn’t it have also reported that part?’ “For the answer to that question, inquire directly to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy I hope you will report it in the year.”

Regarding the disclosure of the full text of the complaint, reporter Kim said that it was an answer from the’Sell to the End’ team to the question,’Do you think you have sufficiently guaranteed the right to object to the accused (the defendant) when disclosing the full text of the complaint? The article was written by reflecting the positions of those prosecuted and the response from the Ministry of Industry.” He said, “It is directly connected to the function of the media to check in power institutions, and as in other cases, we reported and reported while keeping media ethics.”

▲ SBS 8 news broadcast on the 28th of last month.  Photo = SBS video capture
▲ SBS 8 news broadcast on the 28th of last month. Photo = SBS video capture
▲ The original text of the report on the North Korean nuclear power plant construction promotion plan that the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy had deleted on the 1st was released.  First of 6 pages.  Image = Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
▲ The original text of the report on the North Korean nuclear power plant construction promotion plan that the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy had deleted on the 1st was released. First of 6 pages. Image = Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

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