Prosecutor’s middle officer greetings… Remain in the main case investigation team

Prosecutor’s middle officer greetings… Remain in the main case investigation team

Revision 2021.02.22 16:06Input 2021.02.22 16:06

High inspection level inspection (deputy general manager, supervisor inspection) 18 people… Byeong-Hoon Na, Deputy Chief of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office

Prosecutor's middle officer greetings...  Remain in the main case investigation team

‘[아시아경제 배경환 기자] On the 22nd, the Ministry of Justice performed a greeting as a middle officer of the prosecution. Deputy Prosecutor Na Byeong-hoon, who was dispatched to the Military Network Accident Investigation Committee, was appointed as the deputy prosecutor of the South Korean District Prosecutor’s Office.

On this day, the Ministry of Justice conducted a telegram to 18 high-level prosecutors (deputy chief and chief prosecutors).

In this greeting, the main investigation team remained as it was. The Daejeon District Prosecutors’ Office, which is investigating the suspicion of the early closure of the Wolseong nuclear power plant, is representative of the Ministry of Justice, “This personnel is conducted to the minimum extent necessary for the stability of the organization and continuity of the investigation, but to reflect the measures necessary for the continued promotion of the prosecution reform. I tried,” he explained.

In fact, the Ministry of Justice retained all the middle officers of Suwon District Prosecutors’ Office in charge of suspected illegal departure from Kim Hak-eui, former Deputy Minister of Justice, Suwon District Prosecutors’ Office, Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office in charge of alleged prosecution confusion, and Lee Yong-gu, Vice Minister of Justice, taxi driver in charge of assault suspects.

It is noteworthy that Im Eun-jeong, the prosecutor of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office, was appointed as the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office. It is intended to increase the efficiency and function of the surveillance business by granting investigation power as part of the surveillance reform.

Meanwhile, the Prosecutors’ Personnel Committee held at the Gwacheon Government Complex this morning ended in about an hour and 10 minutes. Prior to the holding of the personnel committee, Nam-gwan Cho, deputy prosecutor of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office, said, “The investigative team in important cases, the chiefs of the chief prosecutors’ office or the central prosecutor’s office, strongly requested the status quo.

Reporter Bae Sang-hwan [email protected]
