Promote resolution of’withdrawal of the Beijing Winter Olympics’ in a memorandum of the US Senate

“Suppression of Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan…requires application for hosting the Olympic Games again”

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Ahn Yong-soo = Some US senators submitted a resolution to withdraw the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

Beijing Olympic Tower
Beijing Olympic Tower

[AFP=연합뉴스 자료사진]

The US Senate resolution was initiated by Representative Rick Scott and signed by six Republicans as co-sponsors, AFP news agency reported on the 3rd (local time).

They said in the resolution, “China slaughtered the Uighurs in Xinjiang, suppressed democracy in Hong Kong, and threatened Taiwan.” “The 2022 Winter Olympics should be reapplied and held so that countries that recognize and respect human rights can hold it “I urged.

They also argued that “China, which operates concentration camps against human rights and systematically suppresses Hong Kong residents, should not hold the Olympics.”

Earlier, White House spokesman Jen Saki replied, “I have read a few reports containing such details” to a question calling for the withdrawal of the Beijing Winter Olympics on the 2nd, but “there is no change in position on the Winter Olympics.”

Apart from the U.S. Senate, a coalition of 180 human rights groups, including the World Uighur Conference and the International Tibet Network, also called for a boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Tibetan refugees protesting against the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics

(Dharamsala AP = Yonhap News) Tibetan refugees in Dharamsala, India, are demonstrating against the upcoming Winter Olympics in Beijing, China in 2022, using the five rings of the Olympics. The dolls hung on the five-ring sculptures symbolize Taiwan, Tibet, Hong Kong, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Regions, which are controlled by China. [email protected]

In an open letter to the leaders of each country, they criticized, “If the Chinese leadership holds the Summer Olympics, it will further promote the suppression of human rights and disregard for opposition.”

The Beijing Winter Olympics will be held in February next year, six months after the Tokyo Summer Olympics, which have been postponed to this year.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) told AFP that “a number of concerns have been received about the hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics.”

Chinese spokesman Wang Won-bin criticized “Beijing Winter Olympics will be a very good match,” and “an attempt to disrupt and ruin the tournament with political motives is very irresponsible.”

Spokesman Wang pointed out that “such an attempt will neither win nor succeed in the international community.”

Meanwhile, China is refuting that it is running a vocational education training center to reduce Islamic extremists in response to the disclosure that human rights abuses, including forced sterilization procedures, are being committed against the Uighurs.

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