Promising U.S. Youth Murder Drama MIT graduate student Interpol Red Wanted

Promising young American murder drama… Interpol Red Wanted for MIT graduate students

Yale University graduate student murder charges… Victim proposes to his girlfriend, scams after a week

(Chicago = Yonhap News) Correspondent Hyun Kim = The order of placement for King Suan Pan, 29, a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), who is accused of fleeing after committing a shooting and murder in Connecticut, USA, has been expanded worldwide.

The International Criminal Organization (Interpol) issued a “Red Notice” for the plates at the request of the US Federal Security Agency (USMS) and asked law enforcement agencies of member states to find the plates, arrest them, and hand them over, the Chicago Sun Times said on the 13th. Local time) reported.

Pan is accused of taking a vehicle from a dealer’s shop and fleeing after firing several times at Yale University graduate student Kevin Chang, 26, in New Haven, Connecticut, on February 6th.

Jang, who was studying for a master’s degree in environmental engineering, was mistreated a week after proposing to his girlfriend Zion Perry.

Jang was shot while driving out of the ferry’s apartment near Yale University. He was found dead with gunshot wounds in several places, and the police are pursuing Pan as a prime suspect.

Perry is also at the center of this incident, graduating from MIT last year and going to Yale University graduate school.

Pan and Perry are known to know each other at an MIT campus event last March, such as being caught in a photo, but the police have not commented on the relationship or motive of the crime.

Pan disappeared on February 11, five days after the incident, after the last sighting of his car driving in a suburban town in Atlanta, Georgia, where his relatives were home.

According to local media, Pan, who was born in Shanghai, China, obtained citizenship after coming to the United States in 2006, and went on to graduate school with a major in artificial intelligence (AI) after graduating from the MIT undergraduate school.

Victim Jang was born in Iowa City, Iowa to Chinese parents and raised in Chicago, Illinois. After graduating from high school, he joined the U.S. Army, served as a tank driver, and graduated from the Department of Environmental Engineering at the University of Washington.

As a Christian, Jang regularly participated in church service activities, and as a member of the National Guard, he recently supported Corona 19 response activities in Connecticut, the Sun Times reported.

In the case of Pan, ABC reported that he is facing charges of murder and second-degree theft. The Federal Security Agency is paying a $10,000 bounty (11 million won) to the decisive clue provider.

Fox News explained that the Federal Security Agency and New Haven police are actively investigating together, and that they sought cooperation from countries around the world through Interpol in preparation for the possibility that Pan had fled abroad. Interpol has 194 countries, including China.

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