Professor Park Hyeon of Coronavirus “There is no cure”…5 sequelae he suffered

A post posted by Professor Park Hyun during the fight against Corona 19 in March.  'Busan 47' Facebook capture

A post posted by Professor Park Hyun during the fight against Corona 19 in March. ‘Busan 47’ Facebook capture

Park Hyun (48), an adjunct professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan ​​National University, became “Patient 47 in Busan” after being diagnosed with a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) on February 25. Professor Park steadily posted his fight against him on social media and informed him of his symptoms, treatment process, and aftereffects. His book, “As long as there is life, there is hope” (Bukrum) was published earlier this month. As can be seen in the subtitle’Corona 19 Aftereffects, Records of the 230 Days’, the proportion of stories after discharge is high.

Professor Park visited the hospital in February for itchy throat, dry cough, and shortness of breath, and was tested positive. Immediately, he was admitted to the negative pressure room in the intensive care unit’s isolation ward and repeatedly went through the process of getting better and worse while fighting the virus. After receiving negative tests twice, he was discharged on March 5, but felt side effects and aftereffects of the drug. When he was discharged from the hospital during the early days of the spread of Corona 19, the government, the media, and medical experts aggravated confusion with conflicting information, and his experiences were disclosed through the media.

In April, as his health worsened, he began to search for foreign information, and he learned that there is a side effect of Corona 19. Also, in May, Europe, the United States, and China provided information on sequelae, and medical institutions started systematic treatment, whereas in Korea, information on sequelae was not available, so their experiences and summary of overseas information began to be posted on social media. did. In August, he reported on his Facebook Facebook about five sequelae symptoms he experienced, including brain fog, chest and abdominal pain, skin discoloration, and chronic fatigue.

Professor Park pointed out that Korea has not yet played a proper role for patients with COVID-19 aftereffects. He said, “The government and the media have focused on the prevention of infection by creating fear using the aftereffects, but there is still no interest in providing systematic information or curing the aftereffects.” He added, “(Korea) calls patients with infectious diseases as confirmed patients, causing them to suffer from social discrimination and prejudice,” he added. “Other countries use the expression as a cure that is not used in consideration of the aftereffects.”

Professor Park aims to create applications that provide services to patients with sequelae. In his book, he said, “I believe that transparent sharing of information makes the world a better place.” I have been sharing it.” “This information sharing produces various conspiracy theories and has been accused of damaging the government’s perfect K-quarantine,” he said. “A livable society is achieved when we respect each other rather than attack other ideas.”

Reporter Kim Ji-hye [email protected]
