Professor Lee Wang-jae “Collective immunity? It is impossible to prevent corona with a vaccine.”

Corona 19 vaccination will begin in Korea as soon as possible from next month. Some are waiting for the vaccine to be vaccinated against mischief, while others tilt their heads and doubt their safety. Government officials and the majority of the media also pay attention only to vaccination, quantity, and timing, but not much attention to the efficacy and safety of the vaccine.

Moreover,’collective immunity’ through vaccines is spreading like a belief. The logic is that if a large number of vaccines are hit, the number of antibodies formed increases, and through this, a population immunity can be achieved in which the number of infected decreases.

As far as vaccines are concerned, the forum for public debate is missing. The atmosphere prevails that the vaccine must be brought in quickly, the whole country must be met, and that government policies must be followed. It is’don’t ask vaccination’.

Under such circumstances, it is 99% impossible to commercialize the corona vaccine, there is no way to prevent corona with a vaccine, collective immunity is impossible, the utility that vaccine companies say is unbelievable, and’dangerous remarks’ that there is no need to announce the number of confirmed cases. There is a willingness to make it. Lee Wang-jae, an immunology expert, is an emeritus professor at Seoul National University. The president of the Korean Immunology Association is also an expert in this field.

In the January issue of health information magazine’Health and Life’,’An uncomfortable truth about a vaccine against the Corona 19 virus’, he raised an alarm at the vague anticipation for a vaccine. I met Professor Lee in person on the 15th. When he said that there was likely to be a lot of criticism in exchange for telling the’uncomfortable truth’, he expressed his conviction that “the scholarly conscience cannot be given up.”

Interview = Lee Won-young, Political and Social Editor

-The vaccination starts next month. If you get the vaccine, won’t you get Corona 19?

“It is theoretically impossible to prevent. The problem is that people think that all vaccines are the same. It is important to understand that the respiratory virus should not be carried with the vaccine. When the virus travels through the blood and causes disease, the vaccine is 100% effective. Corona 19 virus is an infection in the upper respiratory tract (nose mucosa, pharyngeal mucosa), but blood antibodies from the vaccine cannot be accessed. There is no way to prevent it.”

▲ Lee Wang-jae, an emeritus professor at Seoul Medical University, is interviewing with UPI News at the’Health and Life’ office in Yeongeon-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 15th. [정병혁 기자]

-Corona 19 is said to be a kind of cold virus.

“I’ll explain a little bit about cold. The internal medicine book says that a cold is a self-limiting disease that lasts for about a week. It is a disease that lasts about a week at most because of an upper respiratory tract infection. And there is no mortality Antibodies come out at the earliest 3 days of infection Antibodies never come out before 3 days Immune Then, the general public thinks of antibodies How to block before 3 days How to prevent 3 days before the immune system Is called congenital immunity.

Coronavirus is the same as the cold virus. The only difference is that it sticks to the upper respiratory mucosa. It means that the ability to stick is 100 times stronger. As you know, not any cell sticks. The cold virus attaches only to the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. It is said that there are more than 100 times the coronavirus, whose strength has become a variant. That is why infection continues even in the middle of summer. Originally, it is a disease that ends in 3-4 days. There is no time for antibodies to be made. It takes 3-4 days for the wound to heal and ends in a week.”

-Are symptoms worse than common cold virus?

“It is said that it is more severe than the common cold, but weaker than the flu. That is why the corona virus that is causing the problem is in everyone. It is a symbiotic virus. But Corona 19 has a different base sequence from the symbiotic virus by 5-10%. The coronavirus does not go back and forth between species originally, but this time, this is a bat, SARS is a musk cat, and MERS is a camel’s coronavirus. It happened in the 21st century.”

-What is the reason it is difficult to produce corona 19 antibodies?

“Corona 19 is unfamiliar to the human body because it has 5-10% different parts from the coronavirus in the original body. When an unfamiliar person comes in, the reaction occurs badly. It wasn’t there, but in reality 90-95% of our own. It is the same as the antibody, so it is not well made. Commissioner Jeong Eun-kyung announced that 1440 Koreans were randomly selected and tested for an antibody against Corona 19, and he said that one came out. Almost no antibodies are produced. It is not made, because 90-95% of Corona 19 is the same.

Influenza (flu) is not in my body. It is infected. That’s why our body’s immune system makes antibodies quickly. Influenza produces antibodies well. However, in the case of respiratory viruses, they are in the air and stick to the nose, but influenza antibodies are in the blood. Because it moves around in blood, it cannot be accessed because there are no blood vessels in the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. So, theoretically, the prevention effect is 0%. But why is it correct? When complications of the flu occur, the elderly become pneumonia and die. When it comes to pneumonia, it means that the guy in the upper airway is running around in blood. Antibodies act when moving around in the blood. You can keep it from dying. It’s not that it doesn’t work at all. However, it means that less than 1% of people do that. “Is it necessary to get the vaccine for less than 1 in 100 people?”

-If so, the Corona 19 vaccine could have such an effect.

“The same is true of Corona 19. In many cases, people who died of Corona 19 died because blood vessels in the brain were blocked, kidneys were broken, lungs were also broken, and livers were also broken. If you’re scared of that and want to get a vaccine, it makes sense. It doesn’t mean that the vaccine doesn’t work at all, it doesn’t have a preventive effect, but 99% of those infected just go over it, which is a problem in 1-2%. Those people say that if they get the vaccine and they have antibodies, it has an effect on problems caused by getting into the blood, but the problem is that the flu has almost 100% antibodies, but Corona 19 has a 90-95% similarity to the coronavirus that lives in our body. “We have 5-10% of our immune cells to find it. We have to find it and make antibodies, so it is theoretically very difficult.”

▲ Lee Wang-jae, an emeritus professor at Seoul Medical University, preaching the fictionality of the Corona 19 vaccine in an interview with UPI News on the 15th. [정병혁 기자]

-Is there any danger of the vaccine itself?

What is clear is that the mRNA vaccine is what Pfizer or Modena does. It is the first humankind to use the mRNA vaccine. It is very dangerous. The original mRNA does not enter the cell just because it is stabbed. However, he said he developed the technology to enter. Then, if this is your first attempt, you have to look at safety for more than 10 years. As a scientist, you’re talking exactly about facts. It is clear that the safety has not been verified. Major media outlets only talk about securing vaccines, but not about problems. You can’t. The function of the media is to point out that there may be problems in the view of many people in the major media, but I do not know what this is doing. What is clear is that the mRNA vaccine has not been validated anyway.”

-Regarding the government announcement that it will form collective immunity

“Collective immunity is not made. A cold is a disease that has shared history with mankind. Why does not group immunity occur. Absolutely no. Group immunity is impossible. Antibodies are not well formed, and even if antibodies are produced, we have no choice but to keep getting it. When it comes to collective immunity, the premise is that antibodies can stop the virus from entering. For example, vaccines work perfectly with hepatitis, but this is not. Antibodies cannot meet the virus. The same is true for treatments. “I can’t come out with a cure. I have to go to the cells where the antibody is infected and wait, but if I don’t go there, what kind of trick do I stop it. So it keeps failing.”

-Does the vaccine prevent infecting others?

Don’t take off your mask just because you’ve been vaccinated, and that’s what Pfizer et al. carefully tried to cover the vulnerability of the vaccine. It makes sense. Why should I wear a mask if I got the vaccine and got antibodies? I can’t get infected and I can’t get infected. Because the incoming virus was killed by antibodies. That’s right for a virus that infects blood. But don’t take off your mask just because you’ve got the vaccine after making the most of the vaccine, they’re guaranteeing that saying this is exactly what I said.”

Yale University’s Dr. Harvey Risch also recently told Fox News in the United States that although the COVID-19 vaccine has the effect of preventing itself, it does not prevent infecting others.

-If you can think of Corona 19 as the level of a cold or flu, the reason there are many deaths

“It’s because we report that they are dying. Korea kills nearly 1,000 people every year from the flu. Report it every time it dies. The whole people tremble in terror. We have killed about 1,200 people in 13 months. The flu is from May to October. There were times when 1,500 people died in 5-6 months from November to March to April of the following year. But now, 1100 people died in 14 months. It is not a fuss.”

-What would you like to do if you are a policy maker?

“In fact (distant) it doesn’t make a big difference. If you’re worried about spreading instead, if you just wear a mask thoroughly, it won’t increase anymore. Instead, hospitals and nursing homes need to be strengthened. It should be strengthened 10 times so that no one really suspicious can enter. It is enough to protect the elderly and the underlying disease so that no one dies. The ban on gatherings has no meaning. The people who die are those with underlying diseases anyway. Even if 70% of them are infected, if the nursing homes or hospitals are perfectly managed to prevent the germs from reaching the elderly and those with underlying diseases, not one will die.”

How to protect vulnerable people living with their families

“That’s actually the most hole. There are old people who aren’t enough to go to a nursing home. Young kids have too many asymptomatic infections. The question is what to do if your grandfather infects you. You can find that part head-to-head. Corona Era. You can think of it as a new life change that can occur afterward. A couple and children under the age of 60 can live without any problems, but if you live with parents over 80, you should be careful in that case.”

-Vaccine rejection rate is very high in Europe.

“It’s probably because I can’t believe the vaccine. I can’t believe that Pfizer or Modena said it has a 95% prevention rate. With RT-PCR, which is common, all real vaccinators are positive, so we have to use another method, but they don’t announce it. No. Since there is no way, I heard a difficult explanation that it was based on symptom relief, but it is difficult to understand.”

Vaccination began in France on December 27 of last year, but until January 7, the vaccination rate was only 0.03%. The rejection rate of vaccination reaches 60%. Vaccination Strategy Committee Chairman Alain Fichet, chief executive of the authorities, cannot see scientific data about the vaccine prior to vaccination, the efficacy is only 2 to 3 months, there is no known how effective it is in the underlying disease, and the vaccination is not transferred to others. It has also been publicly stated that we are not sure if it is not.

-Does it make sense for the authorities to announce the number of confirmed cases now?

“It doesn’t mean anything. There are few tests on the weekend, so there are fewer confirmed cases. If you do more tests, you come out more, and if you do less, it comes out less. What does that number mean? How many cold patients do you announce? C. There is no need to announce at all. Rather, it may make sense to compare the confirmation rate by comparing the number of confirmed patients against the number of tests.”

-If the number of confirmed patients to be announced is 0, this situation will end, but will that day come?

“Never come. It cannot be 0. It is a human symbiotic virus. Variants are constantly occurring. There is bound to be symbiotic. How can it be 0? Yesterday appeared on the news, so the modder or CEO who made the vaccine will not disappear forever. It will be an endemic disease that will not be endemic, and humanity will have to live with this virus. Why do they admit that they will make and get a vaccine? This is not correct. It is making a corner for these people to flee. “Vaccines are useless because they have no choice but to come out.”

-I have vaccinations ahead, but as an expert, the message I would like to share with my family or friends

“When a variant is released, it is said that the vaccine is invalid. When a variant is released, it spreads in an instant. The appearance of a variant is obvious. What to do when a variant occurs, now that vaccine will be garbage. Don’t rely on dying, which is what scares us, but if your immune function is lowered for some reason, unfortunately, the virus travels through the blood and unfortunately occurs, and some of them die. This is the most obvious: if the immune function is good, the strain doesn’t matter, the more active the strain, the more active the vaccine becomes, but the immune function of our body makes the immune response more certain to the strain, the autoimmune function. The best thing to do is to raise it. The typical thing is to eat vitamin C. You don’t have to be afraid of the infection itself.”

-How about a mask

“If you don’t want to get Corona 19, you’re wearing a mask. The importance of wearing a mask cannot be overemphasized. It is unscientific that you don’t have to wear a mask. You should wear a mask. The reason why you are more infected in Europe is that you don’t wear a mask. It is clear that, when distanced, you have to consider the economic effects. It is natural that distances make you less infected, but that is why you cannot go to church, block the billiard room, stop the coffee house. It means that you shouldn’t go to the side where you’re going to die financially. Wear a mask, protect yourself, and don’t be too afraid.”

-When do you take off the mask?

“The mask is taken off by itself. If you realize that the corona is not so deadly, but that it is at the level of a cold or flu, you will naturally take it off. This is a very depressing story for the medical community. It means there are fewer patients. In the current situation, it is recommended to wear a mask.”

UPI News / Summary = Reporter Kwon Rayoung [email protected]

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