“Professor Harvard distorts comfort women”… US law school students’Yeonjangjang’


A professor at Harvard University’s Law School in the United States recently published a thesis stating that the comfort women in the Japanese military were not forced to mobilize. Now, beyond Harvard University, law school students from across the United States are turning to the’Yeon edition’, claiming that’Professor Ramsey’s claim, who wrote this paper, is unjust. JTBC has obtained the contents of the annual edition.

Reporter Lee Ji-eun reported.


This is a statement posted by Korean students attending Harvard Law School.

Professor Ramsey’s arguments were inaccurate and distorted, students refuting Professor Ramsey’s thesis.

It is said that the Japanese government at the time did not push prostitution against comfort women, but he points out that there was no evidence to support this.

He criticized him for making another false impression, as if selling himself for more money.

It was said that it was not the role of academics to obscure history without excluding important voices.

I could hear more public opinion from the students leading the signing movement.

[조셉 최/하버드대 로스쿨 석사과정 학생 : 하버드대에서 이런 논문이 나올 수 있는 게 말이 안 된다, 램지어 교수를 해고해야 한다고 생각하는 학생들도 있습니다. (본부에 말할 수 있지 않나요?) 네, 우리가 시도할 수도 있겠죠.]

Professor Ramsay asked if he knew of this movement.

[조셉 최/하버드대 로스쿨 석사과정 학생 : 램지어 교수는 비판하는 메시지를 너무 많이 받고 있고, 다 무시하고 있다고 합니다.]

Signing the paper sheet, Harvard and law schools across the United States are participating in it.

Almost 600 people, regardless of nationality, have already signed up for current students and graduates.

He said he would continue to receive signatures without a deadline.

That way, we can more clearly communicate the comfort women issue to the US.

[조셉 최/하버드대 로스쿨 석사과정 학생 : (저처럼 교포인 중국인 친구는) 어렸을 때 난징에 있는 위안부 박물관을 견학하고 엄청 울었던 기억이 아직 있다고 합니다. 이건 아시아의 전반적인 인권문제라고 생각합니다.]

Asian students from Harvard Law School will also hear the live testimony of Grandmother Yong-soo Lee in two weeks.

(Video design: Lee Jeong-hoe / Video graphic: Park Kyung-min)
