Professor Hanyang University advocates “comfort women prostitution” Students started to leave

Mark ramsey

Mark ramsey

Hanyang University students and alumni launched a campaign to evict an alma mater who posted a contributing article in support of Professor Mark Ramsayer of Harvard Law School, who defined comfort women as “voluntary prostitution.”

According to the university district on the 22nd, Hanyang University’s Political Science and Diplomacy Student Association and Lee Gyeong-Seok Scholarship are under a signing campaign demanding an apology and dismissal from Hanyang University’s associate professor of Political Surgery, Joseph E. Yi.

They said, “Professor Joseph Lee published a controversial article in the US media that seemed to actually defend the argument of Harvard University professor Ramsay, who was controversial with the pretense of being a’comfort woman’ as a prostitute.” He said, “I did not have any will to apologize and reflect on the victims even though I made a statement in the classroom.”

“Hanyang University’s authorities were only’excuse’ to stand by and try to prevent recurrence despite the constant demands of students’ opposition to reappoint the professor and dismissal. “We are planning a protest visit by writing a document.”

Prof. Joseph Lee recently published a joint article entitled’On Comfort Women and Academic Freedom’ in the diplomatic journal of the United States, with Joe Phillips, Associate Professor at Underwood International University, Yonsei University.

They said, “We are Korean-based scholars, and we urge you to discuss Professor Ramsey’s recent thesis without criticizing it. Said. “It sounds counterproductive and xenophobic to attack Ramsey’s academic integrity because of his personal connection to Japan,” he said.

Reporter Jang Joo-young [email protected]
