Professional Park Min-woo apologizes for remarks on whether E-Mart is better

NC Minwoo Park /Photo = Yonhap News, Park Minwoo Instagram

NC Minwoo Park /Photo = Yonhap News, Park Minwoo Instagram

Infielder Park Min-woo (28) of NC Dinos apologized for leaving the words “The club is the best” and “E-Mart is better.”

On the morning of the 28th, Park Min-woo said on his Instagram, “I need to acknowledge and apologize for the content that I uploaded last night, so I will post it.”

Park Minwoo confessed, “I shared a DM (direct message) of that content with an acquaintance yesterday early in the morning without thinking that it would be released in this way. I was embarrassed by the sudden situation, but I couldn’t apologize quickly because of the embarrassment and resentment.”

“It’s the difference between being public or private. I felt a lot of things when I saw the fans who were disappointed because they were words and thoughts from my mouth. I feel responsibility and embarrassment in this situation that made all my actions and words feel pretended. “I repented.

Park Min-woo concluded, “I bow my head and apologize to the clubs and fans who would have been hurt because of me, and to the Wyverns fans who would have been hurt by frivolous comments.”

Along with the apology, Park Min-woo said, “After acknowledging that I was thinking or what I said anyway, my thoughts were sorted out late, but I think I made a misunderstanding again, so I feel heavy.” I apologize for causing concern once.”

On the 27th, Park Min-woo posted meaningful phrases such as “The club is better anyway”, “I’d rather E-Mart”, and “Nobody knows” on his Instagram and deleted it.

Some speculation has been raised that Park Min-woo has expressed dissatisfaction with his club. In addition, when E-Mart recently mentioned that SK Wyverns acquired SK Wyverns for KRW 135.3 billion, they responded that they’crossed the line’.

The following is the full text of Park Min-woo’s position.

Hello. This is Minwoo Park from NC Dinos. I am posting that I need to acknowledge and apologize for the content that was posted on the Instagram story last night.

All of the words of’The club is the best’,’I’d rather be better with E-Mart’ and’Nobody knows’ are all correct. Without thinking that it would be released in this way, yesterday morning, I shared a DM with an acquaintance. I was embarrassed by the sudden situation, but I couldn’t apologize any faster because of the embarrassment and resentment at the time. Sorry.

It’s the difference between public or private. It’s all words from my mouth and my thoughts, so I felt a lot when I saw the fans who were disappointed by it. I know that any word is just an excuse.

I feel a sense of responsibility and great shame in this situation that has made all my actions and words feel pretended. Using this mistake as an opportunity to look back on me, I will try and reflect on myself so that I can take full responsibility for the words spoken at any time.

I would like to bow down and apologize to the clubs and fans who would have been hurt because of me, and to the Wyverns fans who would have been hurt by frivolous comments. I’m really sorry.

Yerang Kim, reporter of [email protected]
Article reporting and press release [email protected]
