Procedure for resignation of Minister Byeon Chang-heum… President Wen “Up to the basic work of housing supply” (Comprehensive)

Procedure for resignation of Minister Byeon Chang-heum… President Wen “Up to the basic work of housing supply” (Comprehensive)

Revision 2021.03.12 17:36Input 2021.03.12 17:36

The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, expressed its responsibility for the LH incident…靑 “Through chief Kim Sang-jo, we express our gratitude, the chief secretary reports to the president”

[아시아경제 류정민 기자] Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Minister Byeon Chang-heum has taken steps to resign in connection with allegations of real estate speculation by former and current employees of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH). Minister Byeon delivered his gratitude to President Moon Jae-in. President Moon added meaning to Minister Byun’s expression of his thoughts, stressing the importance of housing supply, and urged him to complete the basic work of legislation.

Chung Man-ho, chief of public communication at the Blue House, said on the 12th, “Minister Byun Chang-heum expressed his gratitude to President Moon Jae-in today.”

Procedure for resignation of Minister Byeon Chang-heum... President Wen

“I think the president has no choice but to show responsibility for this. However, it is very important to carry out the second and fourth measures without a setback. The basis of legislation related to measures to supply public-led housing led by Minister Byeon Chang-heum. “You have to finish the work,” he said.

A senior Cheong Wa Dae official said, “When asked whether President Moon can actually be viewed as accepting his appreciation, “Investigation and investigation into speculation are underway. “The supply of housing is important, so I’m telling you to leave the job after you’re done.”

A senior Blue House official said, “Because it was a basic work, the legislative work related to supply measures is in progress, and the schedule is generally open.”

Regarding the process of expressing his appreciation, the Blue House explained that “this afternoon, he expressed his gratitude to Kim Sang-jo, head of the policy office, and the head of the policy office informed the chief of secretary Yoo Young-min, and the chief of the secretary reported to the president”

Reporter Ryu Jung-min [email protected]
