Prime Minister Jeong “Extension of current distance by 2 weeks… Maintaining ban on meetings of 5 people”

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun presides over the script meeting

picture explanationPrime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun presides over the script meeting

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Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun said on the 12th, “We intend to extend the current social distancing phase, which ends on the 14th, by two more weeks.”

Prime Minister Chung made this statement at a meeting of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters presiding at the Seoul Government Complex this morning and added, “We will keep the ban on meetings of more than 5 people as it is.”

Prime Minister Jeong said, “The number of coronavirus (new coronavirus infection) confirmed cases is stagnating, with 300 to 400 people for eight consecutive weeks. If you step back in this situation, the quarantine dam that you have built up can collapse at once.”

He said, “We are well aware that the people are feeling tired from the long distance, but if we do not break the momentum of the corona here, we ask the people to take into account that it is in a situation where it will go on a path of recurrence again.”

In particular, Prime Minister Jung announced that the next two weeks will be set as a special period for measures to intensively check the quarantine status of multi-use facilities and workplaces with concentrated foreign workers.

Distance (CG)

picture explanationDistance (CG)

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Meanwhile, Prime Minister Jung said, “Recently, as a result of a survey of the Korea Business Management Association’s top 50 companies in domestic sales, 73% of the respondents answered that they increased their donations.” It will be a reliable stepping stone for recovery,” he encouraged.


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