Prime Minister Chung “If’Stable Stability’, Even Before New Year’s Day, Ease Quarantine Measures”

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun is all speaking at the major plenary session for responding to Corona 19 held at the Seoul Government Complex on the 1st. News 1

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun mentioned the possibility of “relaxing quarantine measures” on the 1st, the date of implementing the new social distancing. “If you can see the situation this week and believe that it has entered a certain stable state, we will closely review the easing of additional quarantine measures even before the Lunar New Year holidays.”

Prime Minister Chung said at a meeting of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters for a new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) presided over at the government office on the same day, “As the’winter of hardship’ prolongs, voices complaining of pain in the people’s economy are getting louder and louder.” said. He then said that he would consider easing quarantine measures before the two weeks of social distancing, if a’definite stability’ is premised.

This is interpreted as considering the voices of self-employed and small business owners who are struggling with Corona 19 quarantine measures. Prime Minister Jeong said, “I plead once again to the self-employed and small businessmen who are enduring day by day with a desperate heart,” he said.

In addition, Prime Minister Chung said that “sustainable quarantine” is necessary for the formation of collective immunity. “We must prepare in advance for reorganization of the social distancing system based on autonomy and responsibility.” Prime Minister Jung said, “From now on, we hope that the Jung Soo-bon will actively communicate with related associations and organizations along with relevant ministries, and begin to develop a quarantine strategy that has high national acceptance and can sufficiently secure implementation in the field.” He emphasized that the voices of self-employed and small business owners, who are suffering the most, should be fully reflected.”

Shin Eun-byul reporter

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