Prime Minister Chung counterattacked the people’s power’vaccine blame’… “Go to the country and ask”

  Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun attends an urgent question to check the current status of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) quarantine and the supply and demand of vaccines held at the main assembly hall of the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 8th, answering inquiries from members of the Democratic Party with Kim Seong-ju.
Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun attends an urgent question to check the current status of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) quarantine and the supply and demand of vaccines held at the main assembly hall of the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 8th, answering inquiries from members of the Democratic Party with Kim Seong-ju.
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“Why are other countries getting vaccines 7 to 8 times the population?”
“Please go to that country and ask.”

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun fought in the National Assembly. Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun participated in the’Questions on emergency issues regarding the current state of quarantine caused by Corona 19, the situation of vaccine supply and vaccination, and the timing of vaccination’ held at the main assembly hall of the National Assembly on the 8th, and exchanged fierce battles with members of the People’s Power. Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun took an active role in questioning the issues, such as taking counterattack or not hiding unpleasant feelings from the opposition’s criticism.

“Vaccines are not free… It’s better to pay less debt.”

The opposition’s first hitter was National Power Congressman Kang Ki-yoon (Jae-election, Gyeongnam Changwon Seongsan). Rep. Kang Ki-yoon said from the beginning, “I feel more frustrated when I see the government’s answer,” and “The government promoted the achievements while talking about K-defense, which the government does not know and does not know.”

Following that, Rep. Kang turned to Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun, pointing out that Korea is lacking in the amount of Corona 19 vaccine secured compared to other countries. Then Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun struck back, saying, “Check how many confirmed cases in those countries.” A protest came from opposition lawmakers sitting in their seats.

Rep. Kang pointed out that the vaccination in Korea is getting too late compared to other countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, and asked when vaccination was possible. Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun asked, “Why are we getting a vaccine?” and stressed that getting the vaccine is right to prevent it. He said, “Do you have any statistics on how many confirmed cases per day in the countries mentioned above?” and “How many are in the UK and how many are in the US?”

Prime Minister Chung said, “It is not something to judge unilaterally (that it has failed to obtain a vaccine), and our Republic of Korea has a strategy suitable for the Republic of Korea. We are doing our best according to that strategy. Now the vaccination is also starting to begin. It’s not important, but the end is important.”

Rep. Kang changed the attack point to the amount of vaccine secured at the time of vaccination. The point was that there were many times more than the population in other countries, but Korea was short. Prime Minister Chung affirmed, “It is our strategy to secure the vaccine to ensure that we get the amount we need on time,” and said, “Our judgment is that there is no problem with the amount of vaccine because we have secured 56 million people.”

He said, “We originally secured 44 million people, but the people and your party also pointed out if there is a shortage of 44 million people, so we signed an increase for 56 million people.” “It is our judgment to do.” In particular, he pointed out that “vaccines are not given for free. All of them live with national taxes,” he said. “The government has to decide when and how long it is best to sign a contract.”

When Rep. Kang continued betting on the amount of vaccines in other countries and fell, Prime Minister Chung said, “What is so important for other countries? Of course, I will take reference”. “In Korea, there is no reason to buy 5-6 times (relative to the population).” Said cut. Rep. Kang insisted, “Now many citizens say that they should get the vaccine even if they owe it,” he said, “Aren’t we getting the vaccine? That’s right. It’s in February. It’s good to pay as little as possible in debt. I also replied. The old castle erupted again from opposition lawmakers.

“Who was right?”

  Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun attends an urgent question to check the current status of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) quarantine and the supply and demand of vaccines held at the main assembly hall of the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 8th, answering inquiries from members of the Democratic Party with Kim Seong-ju.
Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun attends an urgent question to check the current status of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) quarantine and the supply and demand of vaccines held at the main assembly hall of the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 8th, answering inquiries from members of the Democratic Party with Kim Seong-ju.
Ⓒ Joint coverage photo

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Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun continued the war with Rep. Kim Mi-ae (Chosun, Haeundae-eul, Busan), who followed the opposition party’s turn.

Rep. Kim commented on the recent incidence of deaths and the lack of beds of severely ill patients and criticized him as “a failure of the quarantine policy,” said Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun, “This is a pandemic era. Looking at Korea alone, the standard of success or failure may change “I refuted. “You have to compare it with other countries in the world. You can’t just talk about us. I don’t think it’s a failure. There was a shortage, but I don’t agree that it was a failure.”

“I made it too easy to secure the vaccine,” he said, “It is normal to sign a vaccine contract based on the effectiveness and safety, price and various conditions,” he said. “Do you just sign a’don’t ask me contract’?” When Congressman Kim asked, “Are all other countries abnormal?” he replied, “I don’t know that. You should go to that country and ask.” The protests of opposition lawmakers made the hall tumultuous.

When Congressman Kim pinpointed, “The people are dying while the government is dying,” Prime Minister Chung rebelled, saying, “You are the right king? Who is the right king?” “Please tell me what it is,” specifically, which part of the government’s judgment was’right-handed king’. When Congressman Kim replied, “The people will judge. It’s not going to fight,” Prime Minister Chung did not back down, saying, “I haven’t heard of the people like that. What kind of people do that?”

Rep. Kim said, “People have died for a year. Has the Prime Minister ever been paid a salary?”, and Prime Minister Jung replied, “I did that. I don’t know, so I ask.” Earlier, the Moon Jae-in administration returned some of the salaries of ministers and vice-ministers in order to share the pain of the people. When Congressman Kim said, “People have a hard time living for a year. I’m sorry to receive a salary,” Prime Minister Chung criticized, saying, “Don’t just talk, do it. Last year, our government did it.” It was a nuance that the opposition’s attack was’just words’.
