Prime Minister 丁 responds to allegations of speculation by LH staff, “I can’t tolerate…

Input 2021.03.02 17:55

“Check if there are similar cases in other land development areas.”

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun ordered a thorough investigation by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport on the 2nd, regarding suspicion that about 10 employees of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) dumped the land in Siheung New Town in Gwangmyeong.

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun is speaking at the 3rd Hydrogen Economy Committee held at SK Incheon Petrochemical in Seo-gu, Incheon on the afternoon of the 2nd. /Newsis

Prime Minister Chung’s office said on the day that the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport gave an emergency order stating, “Quickly investigate the facts of the region and take thorough measures such as requesting an investigation if necessary.”

In addition, Prime Minister Chung instructed, “Check if there are similar cases in other residential land development areas,” and “take measures to prevent public officials handling land and housing information such as LH from violating the ethics regulations of public officials such as conflict of interests.”

In a Facebook post on the afternoon of that afternoon, Prime Minister Chung said that the allegations of speculation by LH employees were “never tolerated,” and said, “In the midst of the government’s war with real estate speculation, a public company employee who enforces policies has taken the lead in speculation using duties. “There should be no suspicion,” he said.

Attorneys’ Association for Participation Solidarity and Democratic Society (Minbyun) held a press conference this morning and raised suspicion that 10 LH employees had purchased 7,000 pyeong of land in Gwangmyeong and Siheung New Towns, which were announced as new public housing sites last month, before designation as a new city.

Participation Solidarity and Minbyun analyzed the land ledger, and from April 2018 to June 2020, 14 LH employees in the metropolitan area, their spouses, and their families totaled 10 parcels of 23,028 m2 (about 7,000 pyeong) for about 10 billion won. He said it was found to have been purchased.

LH removed 12 alleged employees from the job. An official from LH said, “As a result of a survey of 14 employees who announced that there were allegations of land dumping by a civic group, the actual number of our employees was confirmed to be 12,” said an official from LH. It is not a disciplinary character as much as has not been confirmed,” he said.
