‘President’s Fraud’ Ugida, Trump left alone… “All 5 lawyers have left.”

Former US President Donald Trump.  AP=Yonhap News

Former US President Donald Trump. AP=Yonhap News

Former U.S. President Donald Trump’s defense team to respond to the federal Senate’s impeachment trial has resigned and left alone. CNN reported on the 31st (local time) that all five lawyers for former President Trump resigned.

Trump’s defense team to prepare for the’impeachment trial’ was led by Attorney Butch Bowers, who has been based in South Carolina.

But Barwards’ lawyer is no longer on the “Trump Impeachment Response Legal Team,” and the recently joined federal prosecutor, Debera Barvier, has also resigned, CNN quoted a source. The rest of the members, Johnny Gaeser, Greg Harris, and Josh Howard, also reported leaving the impeachment legal team.

The reason that all of Trump’s lawyers resigned was due to the allegations of “presidental fraud” he had adhered to. The lawyers tried to focus on judging the legal validity of’referring to the impeachment trial of the retired president.’ However, Trump wanted lawyers to continue pushing the allegations of “presidental fraud,” the media said.
CNN added that no attorneys have yet to respond to Trump’s impeachment trial after all the lawyers resigned.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Senate began preparing for an impeachment trial for former President Trump, starting with a lawmaker’s oath to the jury on the 26th. On the 25th, a proposal for impeachment was sent from the House of Representatives to the Senate, and the judgment begins on the 9th of next month.

In fact, in order for the impeachment bill to be resolved, 17 Republican senators must cast a “yes” vote, but from the list, it is observed that the possibility of an actual success is not high as former President Trump has already retired.

Reporter Seok-Hyun Ko [email protected]
