President of Uzbek “Friend and Brother”-President Moon “Brother’s Country”

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 President Moon Jae-in is holding a video summit with Uzbekistan President Shavkat Mirzyyev at the Blue House on the afternoon of the 28th.

President Moon Jae-in is holding a video summit with Uzbekistan President Shavkat Mirzyyev at the Blue House on the afternoon of the 28th.
Ⓒ Provided by the Blue House

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President Moon Jae-in held a video summit with Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan on the 28th and discussed ways to cooperate with the two countries, including joint efforts to establish peace on the Korean Peninsula and new northern policies.

According to the Blue House, in the talks held for about an hour and a half on this day, the two leaders agreed that exchanges between the two countries, including trade, should not be shrunk even in the situation of Corona 19.

President Moon expressed his hope that Uzbekistan, a key partner in the New Northern Policy, and the Eurasian continent should cooperate closely for the common prosperity, and President Mirjyoev promoted the New Northern Policy to promote the security of the Eurasian continent and expand multilateral exchange and cooperation. They evaluated it as a policy and expressed active support.

In addition, President Moon said, “We will continue our efforts for complete denuclearization and permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula,” and President Mirjyoev expressed his unwavering support for the Korean government’s efforts to establish peace on the Korean Peninsula.

In addition, it was agreed to hold the Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum by raising it to the ministerial level from this year on the occasion of the summit meeting. Trade and economic cooperation are expected to further expand as the Korea-Uzbekistan Trade Agreement (STEP) negotiations begin. STEP (Agreement for Sustainable Trade and Economic Partnership) is the first commodity trade agreement promoted by Korea with countries subject to the New Northern Policy.

View larger picture
 President Moon Jae-in greets Uzbek President Shafkath Mirjyoev prior to the Korea-Uzbekistan video summit held at the Blue House on the afternoon of the 28th.

President Moon Jae-in greets Uzbek President Shafkath Mirjyoev prior to the Korea-Uzbekistan video summit held at the Blue House on the afternoon of the 28th.
Ⓒ Yonhap News

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President Mirzyyov also’treatment’ to Moon at this meeting. President Mirzyyov delivered a greeting with the expression “my friend and brother, the president” and “a friend in difficult situations is a true friend.” In response, President Moon also emphasized the relationship between the two countries by responding with “Brother’s Heart”, “Special Strategic Partnership” and “Brothers State.”

When President Moon visited Uzbekistan in April 2019, President Mirzyyov said, “It is a great honor for my dear friend and’brother’, President Moon Jae-in and Ms. Jeong-sook Kim, who respected this meaningful occasion to be with us to shine this meaningful position.” Said.

At that time, the relationship between the two countries was elevated to a’special strategic partnership’. Since then, the two leaders have actively continued high-level exchanges by making normal calls twice amid the Corona 19 situation in April and October of last year, and have cooperated closely through sharing experiences in quarantine.

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