President of Harvard University “The claim of’comfort women = prostitutes’ is academic freedom…no problem”

Email Response to Cyber ​​Diplomatic Delegation Vank Request for another fact-finding

Vank, a cyber diplomatic mission, announced on the 17th that the president of Harvard University in the U.S. expressed his position on the 17th that a dissertation containing the content of the claim that the “comfort women are prostitutes” by Professor Mark Ramsey was not a problem to be included in “academic freedom”. .

Harvard President Lawrence Bakau responded to an e-mail protest demanding that Vank withdraw Professor Ramsey’s thesis and denounce it at the university level.

“Prof. Ramsay’s expression of controversial views within the university is included in academic freedom. Even when controversial views are offensive to the majority of our society,” he said. I will tell you,” he added.

“If you write a research advocating black slavery among Harvard professors or write a dissertation advocating the Nazis in Germany, you will be able to answer the same question,” said Vank, head of Park Ki-tae. “I sent a letter of protest again.” .

Along with the letter of protest, a list of 1,600 people from 96 countries who responded to Professor Ramsey’s petition for the withdrawal of the thesis posted on the world’s largest petition site’Change.

“Vank youth leader” Ok Da-hye, who sent a complaint email to the President of Harvard University and filed an international petition, criticized “Scholar has academic freedom, but academic freedom is given when he fulfills his ethics and obligations.”

Mr. Ok, who is about to graduate from Yonsei University Law School, said, “As scholars are recognized for greater freedom of expression and the opinions of scholars are recognized for greater social influence, the conscience of the scholar, and arguments supported based on objective evidence. “Only claims can be protected from academic freedom.”

Prof. Ramsey will publish a paper next month in the international journal’International Review of Row and Economics’ entitled’Contracting for sex in the Pacific War’.

In addition to the claim that “comfort women are prostitutes,” he argued, “comfort women are the responsibility of recruiters, not the Japanese government or the Japanese military,” and “comfort women made a lot of money.”

(yunhap news)
