President Moon confirms the formalization of separation of investigation and prosecution, speed adjustment

On the 8th, a prosecution flag hoisted at the great swordsman in Seocho-dong, Seoul, is blowing in the wind along with the Taegeukgi. News 1

President Moon Jae-in said on the 8th, “Separation of the right to prosecute and investigate for the purpose of checks and balances, and to protect human rights is the direction that we must continue to move forward.” President Moon’s remarks have the meaning of formalizing the abolition and reduction of the prosecution’s direct investigation right, which the ruling party has pursued, as a government policy. President Moon also ordered additional prosecution reform, saying, “Through the reform of the investigative powers and the launch of the airlift, we have taken a big step in reforming power institutions, but it has not been completed yet.” The president’s resolute position came four days after former Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol resigned after opposing the deprivation of the right to investigate.

President Moon’s remarks are expected to contribute to the establishment of a serious crime investigation agency promoted by the Democratic Party. In the meantime, President Moon did not make a clear stance on the establishment of the heavy water office on the premise of separating the right of investigation and the right to prosecute. It seems that the resignation of former President Yun was the trigger to turn from the cautious theory. President Moon also criticized’Prosecutors’ reform of Yoon Seok-yeol-sik, saying, “Even with the silent efforts of the majority of prosecutors, the trust in the prosecution’s fairness is not improving.”

The timing of the separation of the investigation and the right to prosecute was not mentioned, but it can be said that President Moon emphasized “gathering various opinions including members of the prosecution during the legislative process. There is no reason to oppose the direction of abolishing the right to investigate directly by separating the investigation and prosecution as part of the prosecution reform as part of the prosecution reform, but as a political decision to pressure the prosecution at that time. If you respond differently then, as it is dangerous, consistent policy promotion is necessary.

Prosecutor General Cho Nam-gwan and the nation’s sixth prosecutor general held a meeting that day, saying, “We will actively promote opinions.” For the prosecution, it can be judged that if the investigative power narrowed down to the six major crimes is handed over through the adjustment of the investigative power with the police, in fact, only the shell remains. However, as the President has made this official, it is desirable for the prosecution to make a statement after collecting internal opinions.

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