Pouch “The US also participates in COVAX… To fulfill our financial obligations to WHO”

/EPA Yonhap News

Joe Biden, who ordered the suspension of the WHO withdrawal process, is expected to participate in the COVAX facility.

On the 21st (local time), Anthony Pouch, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, participated in the WHO board of directors by video and said, “It is an honor to announce that the United States will remain a member of the WHO.” “President Biden will present guidelines this afternoon, including US commitment to COVAX participation in advancing multilateral efforts for COVID-19 vaccine and treatment, diagnosis and distribution, fair access, research and development,” said Pouch. .

COVAX is a WHO-led project that aims to ensure fair access for all countries to the COVID-19 vaccine. Earlier, the nominee of Secretary of State Tony Blincoln also announced at a personnel hearing that the United States will participate in the Kovacs. There are 190 countries participating in Cobax, but the United States is absent.

Pouch stressed that the US will fulfill its fiscal obligations to the WHO as well. “WHO is an institution that we value and expect to strengthen our relationship in the future, and the United States considers technical cooperation with WHO at all levels as a fundamental part of the relationship,” he added.

On the 20th, the first day of his inauguration, President Biden initiated an administrative measure ordering the end of the WHO withdrawal process. Regarding this, WHO Secretary General Thewardros Adhanom Governor Yeosus said, “Today is a good day for WHO and a good day for global health.”
/ Kim Yeon Haja [email protected]

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