Pouch of the highest authority in the field of infectious diseases’group immunity should be almost 90% vaccination’

From 60% of the early pandemic to the recent 80%

“By the end of this year in the US, it becomes difficult to inoculate 20 million people.”

Pouch inoculation for Modena Corona 19 vaccine./Photo = Yonhap News

The US media reports that Anthony Pouch, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who is considered the highest authority in the field of infectious diseases in the United States, continues to raise the standard for reaching collective immunity through vaccination against the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

According to a report by the New York Times (NYT) on the 24th (local time), Pouch said in the newspaper that day, “when the survey result that only about half of Americans will get the vaccine, 70-75% of them must be correct to form collective immunity. I said.

He said, “After a survey that the rate of vaccination applicants increased to 60%, I slightly increased the vaccination rate that can reach group immunity to 80-85%.”

“It’s time for us to be a bit humble,” he added. “We don’t know exactly what the vaccination rate (for group immunity) is, I think it’s probably between 70 and 90%, but I won’t say 90%.”

“It may be difficult to hear, but to stop any one virus (vaccination rate) may be close to the level of 90% needed for a cluster infection of measles,” he added.

In the early days of the pandemic (a global pandemic of infectious diseases), the pouch intestine said that 60-70% of the total population, which is similar to that of other experts, should form antibodies as a criterion for population immunity. It was reported that it was raised.

Anthony Pouch, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)./Reuters = Yonhap News

He appeared on Fox News on the 3rd of this month and estimated that “70% or 75% of the population must get vaccinated to open the way back to daily life with the benefits of collective immunity.”

In an interview with CNBC on the 16th of this month, he replied, “Only 75-85% of the population must get the vaccine and produce antibodies to achieve collective immunity.”

Regarding the raising of the inoculation rate standard to achieve collective immunity, Pouch admitted on the 17th, “We slowly but carefully moved the’goal’.” “New science is also the reason, and’The US is ready to hear what I truly thought.’ It is also because I personally felt it.”

The U.S. media outlet The Hill commented that the prediction came at the point when the first dose of the Corona 19 vaccine in the U.S. had just exceeded 1 million as of the 23rd.

The media reported that the US government originally planned to inoculate 20 million people by the end of this year, but it is difficult to achieve this goal at the current vaccination rate, and government officials have also acknowledged it.

Arithmetically, it means that an average of 100,000 people have been vaccinated from the 14th day, so even if the U.S. government increases the amount of vaccination, it is likely to be about a tenth of the original target by the end of this year.
/ Reporter Park Woo-in [email protected]

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