Post-corona storm cuts life expectancy for Americans by one year in the first half of 2020

On April 29, last year, at a funeral in Brooklyn, New York, quarantine agents are moving the bodies of the deceased Corona 19 onto a frozen truck. [AP=연합뉴스]

On April 29, last year, at a funeral in Brooklyn, New York, quarantine agents are moving the bodies of the deceased Corona 19 onto a frozen truck. [AP=연합뉴스]

In the first half of 2020, a report found that the life expectancy of Americans fell by one year.

6 months new 78.8 → 77.8 years old
There may be more deaths than cancer and heart disease

According to a report released by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the 18th (local time), the life expectancy of the entire U.S. population in the first half of 2020 was 77.8 years, a year decrease from 78.8 years in 2019. This is reduced to the life expectancy of 2006.

Experts cited the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) as the main reason for the decline in life expectancy. This is because American life expectancy has increased slowly over the past 40 years and has seldom decreased. According to NCHS records, the most recent decline in life expectancy was from 2014 to 2017, affected by increased suicide rates and drug addiction such as opioids, a narcotic pain reliever. However, the decline at that time was 0.3 years (0.4 years for men/0.2 years for women), less than 1 year.

It is also predicted that there will be more deaths from Corona 19 than heart disease, the number one mortality disease in the United States (659041 as of 2019). Eileen Creams, a professor at the University of Southern California, told CNN that “corona will cause more deaths than cancer or heart disease.” According to the CDC, the cumulative death toll in the United States from Corona 19 is 486,466.

Theresa Andraspay, a researcher at the University of Southern California, who studied the potential impact of Corona 19 on life expectancy, pointed out in an interview with CNN that “The proportion of young people dying from Corona 19 is small, but the number is significant, which significantly affects life expectancy.” did.

Reporter Jeong Young-gyo [email protected]
