Possible brain damage if coronavirus occurs… That was real.

[How]#Jung In A Sorry Challenge

(~01/10 ends)


National Institutes of Health research team “causes extensive inflammation, damage and bleeding.”

Possible brain damage if coronavirus occurs... That was real.

© Reuters = News 1 / Photo = News 1

[파이낸셜뉴스] In the United States, we are studying whether Corona 19 affects dementia such as cognitive decline in old age and Alzheimer’s disease in the future.

According to industry sources on the 8th, Gabriel Erauskin, a professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio Medical School and researchers at the Chicago Alzheimer’s Association, announced that through a recent joint study, a prospective study is needed to investigate the effect of Corona 19 on brain function.

In a report published in the international journal’Alzheimer’s and Dementia’ on the 5th (local time), the researchers pointed out that there is a possibility that Corona 19 may be linked to seizures and mental disorders, so a longer study is needed.

This is because we encountered cases of patients who experienced prominent neurological symptoms from the beginning of the spread of Corona 19. A typical symptom is loss of taste and smell. At this time, it was found that the lost taste and smell continued far beyond the normal recovery point.

The researchers said the phenomenon suggests that the Corona 19 virus can cause immediate and lasting nerve damage, but to date, understanding of the type of disease or in which direction it will affect, remains unclear.

In addition, the researchers argued that some of the patients hospitalized as corona19 patients in the United States showed symptoms that could be presumed to be brain damage, such as memory and mental dysfunction, and that some who were discharged from the hospital may suffer from long-term sequelae.

Previously, on December 30 last year, a research team from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke (NINDS) under the National Institutes of Health (NIH) published a study in the overseas medical journal’New England Journal of Madison (NEJM)’. It can cause inflammation and damage, and it is reported that it can cause minor but bleeding.

On December 16, last year, a research team at the University of Washington University School of Medicine said that the Corona 19 virus could pass through the cerebral vascular barrier (BBB), causing so-called brain fog (mental haze) to patients. He said he appeared.

The researchers were concerned that these findings could make the brain more susceptible to further damage due to the various inflammation and vascular leaks seen in severe COVID-19 patients.

The researchers formed a joint research consortium involving experts from more than 25 countries, targeting COVID-19 patients 6, 9, and 18 months after being discharged from the hospital.The effects of the corona 19 virus on the central nervous system and the relationship with old Alzheimer’s. I plan to study.

[email protected] Jo Yoon-jin, intern reporter

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