Pompeo criticizes Biden’s policy… North Korea is “threatening with flames and anger” (general)

Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held in Orlando, Florida, USA, on February 27, 2021 (local time). © Reuters = News1 © News1 Reporter Jo So-young

Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticized President Joe Biden and Democrats for their economic policies. Former Minister of State Pompeo, who served as Secretary of State for the Donald Trump administration, is considered one of the most prominent Republicans in the 2024 US presidential election.

According to foreign media, former Minister Pompeo said in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held in Orlando, Florida on the 27th (local time), “President Biden and Democrats are pretending to care about jobs in the United States.” Said.

Referring to the Keystone XL pipeline project between the United States and Canada, he pointed out that President Biden and his administration care only about what is good as a politician. Otherwise, shutting down the business would not have destroyed 10,000 jobs.

This project is a project to build an oil pipeline that connects Alberta, an oil producing area in Canada, and Texas in the United States.It was first promoted in 2008, but was stopped by the Barack Obama administration in 2015.

Later, it resumed during the Trump administration in 2017, but President Biden canceled the permit for the project after taking office as part of his pledge to fight climate change.

In his speech today, former Minister Pompeo also argued that the Trump administration’s tough policy toward North Korea prevented the war with North Korea. “We did not fight (with North Korea) and threatened (with fire and fury) to stop it,” he said.

In 2017, then President Trump warned that as North Korea made progress in nuclear development, “if North Korea threatens the United States, it will face flames and anger that the world has never seen before.”

As a result, the military tension between North Korea and North America reached its peak, including the pretense that North Korea could bomb Guam.

Former Minister Pompeo said after the U.S.-North Korea summit in Singapore in 2018 and Hanoi in Vietnam in 2019, “North Korea has not conducted nuclear tests with long-range ballistic missiles.” However, the discussion on denuclearization between the two sides has not made much progress.

In addition, he criticized three Korean-Americans (Kim Dong-cheol, Kim Sang-deok, Kim Hak-song) who had been detained in North Korea, returned to the United States, and repatriated the remains of US soldiers who fought in the Korean War to the United States. “It was.”

Former Minister Pompeo also mentioned the Abrahamic Agreement in which Israel established formal diplomatic relations with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain through US arbitration in September 2020 as a result of diplomatic affairs.

In addition, he defended the then-President Trump’s decision to kill General Gushem Soleimani, who is called the real world of the Iranian military, in an Iraqi air raid last year. “He was on a mission to harm Americans, but we were a few steps ahead,” said former Minister Pompeo.

“I have set clear expectations that I am on the side of the United States,” said former Minister Pompeo. “I have told our partners the most we are facing against the Islamic Republic of Iran, against China and restoring Venezuela’s democracy. I ask you to go one step further on the big challenge.”

“We have to make it clear what we can and cannot do,” he added, adding that “a foreign policy based on fantasy does not work. That is what we had to correct in our time.”

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