“Political retaliation prosecution…Park Won-soon’s son public inspection”

The president of the Korean Medical Association, who is accused of defaming the late Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon's son, is accused of defamation in the military service, attending the first trial held at the Central District Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the 10th. [뉴스1]

The president of the Korean Medical Association, who is accused of defaming the late Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon’s son, is accused of defamation in the military service, attending the first trial held at the Central District Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the 10th. [뉴스1]

At the first trial, the president of the Korean Medical Association (49), who raised suspicion of corruption in military service against the late former Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon, was handed over to trial on charges such as defamation caused by publications. I need this,” he insisted.

Former Mayor Park’s son allegedly alleged defamation

Judge Lee Kwang-yeol, the 23rd criminal justice of the Seoul Central District Court, held the first trial of Choi at 10 am on the 10th. In 2015, CEO Choi posted an advertisement in a newspaper advertisement called’Park Ju-shin’s medical opinion on suspicion of military service evasion.’

The advertisement contained the contents of the MRI images taken at Gangnamsaeng Oriental Hospital in 2011 and Severance Hospital in 2012 belonged to the agent, not Park. Park was admitted to the Air Force Education Office in 2011, and in the process of discharging due to pain in the thigh, he took a physical picture at an oriental medicine hospital, and the following year, when suspicion of military service corruption arose, he received a physical examination at Severance Hospital.

CEO Choi gained the right to speak in court and made a claim to the effect that “the content of the advertisement prosecuted by the prosecution was the opinion of a clinical doctor with 20 years of medical experience, and collected dozens of medical opinions.” This is the purpose of expressing opinions that are not facts. He argued that “if the prosecution sees this as a false fact, it is necessary to present evidence to prove it, and the prosecutors are responsible for the proof, such as obtaining medical evidence by publicly verifying Park Ju-shin.”

“Political retaliation for strongly criticizing the government’s response to Corona 19”

Choi’s lawyer also argued that the prosecution had political and criminal procedural issues. The lawyer said, “I prosecuted the case accused in 2015 after five years,” and said, “It is a prosecution against the accused who made critical opinions on the government policy, and there are significant criminal procedural problems, such as the victims’ intention to punish.” He added.

On the day before the trial, CEO Choi himself also criticized the government strongly for the demand for a ban on entry from China in January 2020 and for the failure to properly establish a treatment system for critically ill patients with Corona 19 during the first pandemic in Daegu and Gyeongbuk in March. “Political retaliation” for what he did.

Meanwhile, CEO Choi, who is also accused of writing an article about the late Mayor Park’s private life on the Internet, said, “We acknowledge the factual relationship, but there was no purpose of slander.” He clarified that it was an article with the intent to cooperate with the investigation of the truth.

The court decided to decide whether or not to adopt the witnesses requested by the prosecution and representative Choi’s side until the next date. Representative Choi’s side applied as witnesses Dr. Seung-Oh Yang, a radiology specialist, and Woo-Hyeon Kim, a dentist, who was being tried by appeal on charges of violating the Public Office Election Act after filing a suspicion of illegal military service against Mr. Park. Former Mayor Park’s wife, Kang Nan-hee, also asked the court to call him as a witness.

The appeals courtesy of Dr. Yang and others in the Seoul High Court were held several times after Park entered the country due to the death of former mayor Park in July of last year. However, it has stopped again after the fact of Park’s re-departure was announced. Choi’s next trial will take place on April 14th.

Reporter Lee Sujeong [email protected]
