Police’Nakdong River Murder’ for 31 years of innocence “Shameful thoughts, deep reflection”

Jang Dong-ik and Choi In-cheol, who have been jailed for 21 years after being accused of the’Nakdong Riverside Murder Case’, are answering questions with reporters after completing a retrial hearing held at the Busan High Court in Yeonje-gu, Busan on the morning of the 4th. 2021.2.4/News1 © News1 Reporter Yeo Ju-yeon

When two men, who had been imprisoned for 21 years in the’Busan Nakdong Riverside Murder Case’, were framed for retrial, the police bowed, saying, “I offer words of deep consolation and apology.”

The National Police Agency announced on the 5th, “We are very ashamed of the failure to comply with the due process and human rights-based investigation principles in the course of the investigation, and we deeply reflect on the fact that it hurt the applicants for retrial.”

Choi In-cheol (60) and Jang Dong-ik (63), who were sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder case along the Nakdong River, were convicted of “not guilty” at the retrial trial on the 4th, and the police made such a position.

The National Police Agency said, “The basic human rights protection of all individuals is a strict constitutional order, and it is the duty of the police officers to do so.” On the other hand, he promised to make every effort to make sure that there are no unfair victims again by re-aware of it.

In addition, “The police will do our best to increase the integrity of the investigation and to ensure a fair and responsible investigation by preparing a more detailed human rights protection device for each stage of the investigation.” I apologize,” he bowed again.

The so-called “Nakdong River Murder Case” is a case where men and women who were dating by car were attacked by men and women who raped and murdered women, and men escaped after fighting.

In November 1991, a year after the incident, the Saha Police Department arrested Choi after receiving a report that money was stolen by a person who pretended to be a police officer during an unlicensed driving lesson in Eulsukdo, Hadan-dong.

The police randomly accompanied Choi to the police station, and Jang, who was with the scene at the time, was also taken.

At the time, the two claimed false confession due to the harsh acts of the police, but neither of the investigative agencies admitted it.

Choi and Jang were eventually sentenced to life imprisonment. President Moon Jae-in defended them as a lawyer in the trial that led to the appeal and the Supreme Court.

After being imprisoned for 21 years, the two were specially commuted and released as model prisoners in 2013, and they applied for a retrial in May 2017 and a decision was made to commence retrial in January 2020.

On the 4th, the first criminal division of the Busan High Court (Director Judge Byeong-soo Kwak) sentenced Mr. Choi In-cheol and Jang Dong-ik to “not guilty” at a retrial sentence. It was 31 years after the incident.

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