Police, Incheon Gyeyang and Bucheon General 3rd New Town Land Transaction Started Internal Investigation

96 cases of land transactions in Gyeyang since 2015… Analysis of transactions in Geomam Station area

Incheon Police Agency signboard./Photo provided by Incheon Police Agency

The police, who are investigating allegations of speculation by employees of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH), have also initiated a full-scale internal investigation on land transactions in the third new town in Incheon and Bucheon, Gyeonggi Province.

According to the police on the 10th, the Incheon Metropolitan Police Agency’s metropolitan investigation team is intensively analyzing the land transaction details of the Gyeyang Techno Valley project, designated as the 3rd new city in December 2018.

The case was handled by the anti-corruption economic investigator of Gwangsu University, Incheon Police Agency, organized by the government joint special investigation headquarters.

The Incheon Metropolitan Police Agency has formed a special investigation team, headed by Yang Dong-jae, head of the metropolitan investigation team, and included a crime profit tracking investigation team and a crime information analysis team.

As a result of a recent police check, 96 land transactions were made in the area where the Gyeyang Techno Valley project was scheduled from 2015 to recently, with 124 traders in total.

Gyeyang-gu, Incheon, which includes this area, was a place where the pure land transaction volume suddenly increased by 2.5 times in November 2018, just before the announcement of the new city, and it was raised that the possibility of leakage before the announcement of business information was raised.

In fact, in Dongyang-dong, Gyeyang-gu, which occupies a significant proportion of the project site, eight land transactions were made in November of the same year, which had been made 1-4 monthly in the second half of 2018.

The police are analyzing the details of land transactions in the Gyeyang new city as well as the nearby Bucheon Daejang district in Gyeonggi Province and the public housing district in the Geomam Station area of ​​Incheon.

The Daejang district of Bucheon, which is under construction of the third new city along with Gyeyang Techno Valley, is not under the jurisdiction of the Incheon Police Agency, but at the request of the Gyeonggi Southern Police Agency, it was decided to investigate together in Incheon.

From 2013, the police are planning to check the real estate register copy based on the status of land transactions in these three regions, and track speculative transactions or under-name transactions based on internal information.

In Incheon City and Bucheon City, Gyeyang Techno Valley and Bucheon Daejang District are investigating to see if there is any speculative land transaction by public officials or public corporation employees.

Gyeyang Techno Valley, with a total project cost of KRW 4,3219 billion, is a project to build a new city with 17,000 households and 39,000 people in Gyulhyeon-dong and Dongyang-dong, Gyeyang-gu by 2026.

The Daejang district of Bucheon is expected to be built as a self-sufficient city of 20,000 households, and the Incheon Metropolitan City Corporation’s project to create a public housing district in the Geomam Station area aims to supply 6,389 households in 790,000 square meters in Geomam-dong, Seo-gu, with an amount of 700 billion won by next year. In progress. A police official said, “There are no suspects in the lawsuit, so they are currently in an internal investigation.”

/Incheon = Reporter Jang Hyun-il [email protected]

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