Police confiscated and searched the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport related to allegations of’LH speculation’ (general)

Input 2021.03.17 10:27 | Revision 2021.03.17 10:51

On the afternoon of the 9th, a police officer who has finished seizure and search at the headquarters of Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) in Chungmu-gong-dong, Jinju-si, Gyeongsangnam-do comes out of the building with confiscated goods. Gwacheon Uiwang Business Headquarters and LH Gwangmyeong Siheung Business Headquarters were seized and searched. / Reporter Kim Dong-hwan ⋅ Chosun Ilbo DB

On the 17th, a police officer investigating the suspicion of speculation of land in a new city by the controversial Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) employees entered into a seizure and search of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. On the 9th, it has been 8 days since the LH headquarters in Jinju, Gyeongsangnam-do, and the residences of LH employees on alleged speculation were seized and searched.

The Special Investigation Unit for real estate speculators at the Gyeonggi Southern Police Agency sent investigators to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, located at the Sejong Government Complex, at around 10 am on the same day to search for seizure. It is known that the purpose is to secure evidence such as documents and articles related to LH investigation.

The seizure and search are being conducted at the same time in five places, including the headquarters of Jinju LH in Gyeongnam and North Siheung Nonghyup. This is the second time since the 9th in the seizure and search of LH Jinju headquarters. The North Siheung Nonghyup is known as a place where a number of loans from LH employees who were subject to police investigations were made.

Previously, the targets of the police seizure and search conducted on the 9th were the Gyeongnam Jinju LH headquarters, the Gwacheon Uiwang business headquarters, the Gwangmyeong Siheung business headquarters, and the residences and offices of 13 incumbent LH employees who were suspicious of speculation. At the time, the police imposed a ban on leaving the country for 13 employees.
