Pigeon who sees the effect of yongtak so much… Exclusive model contract formula for 2 consecutive years

Pigeon Selected as Trot Trend’Young Tak’ Model
New TV commercials on air in January

Pigeon who saw the'Yongtak effect' so much...  Exclusive model contract for 2 consecutive years [공식]

Pigeon (CEO Lee Joo-yeon), a general household goods company, announced on the 29th that it has signed a brand advertisement model renewal contract with trot singer Young-tak.

Young-tak, selected as the Pigeon advertising model in June, has contributed to promoting Pigeon to consumers through various marketing activities such as advertising pictorials, videos, and merchandise launches with his unique sincere energy.

Pigeon announced that the contract was renewed based on the trust in Young-tak, who was loved by various age groups along with the love for the brand and showed the’Young-tak effect’.

‘Acts Perfect Indoor Drying’,’Pigeon Rich Perfume Spray’, and’Spray Pigeon’ Young-Tak advertisements released last summer reached 2.43 million views on YouTube. In particular,’Act’s Perfect Indoor Drying’ is a representative product advertised by Young-Tak, and has proved the’Young-Tak effect’ by surpassing 800,000 units in cumulative sales within six months of launch.

Starting from this renewal, Young Tak became an exclusive model for the’Sterile Time’ brand along with the existing’Pigeon’ and’Acts’ brands. Pigeon is planning various marketing activities to reinforce the brand status of a general household goods company with Young Tak in 2021, starting with TV commercials on air in January next year.

Reporter Lee Mi-na, Hankyung.com [email protected]

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