[Pick] It’s a ’08 born meeting’… Soka rape “I didn’t know I was in elementary school”

It is known that a man accused of rape by taking an elementary school student to his home using a ride-sharing company Soka, claimed that “I did not know that the victim was an elementary school student.”

On the 12th, the court issued an arrest warrant for A, a man in his thirties, for inducing sexual activity, violating the Missing Child Protection Act, and raping a minor agenda on the 12th, saying that there is fear of escape and destruction of evidence.

A is accused of sexual assault after meeting B, an elementary school student in a region in Chungnam, that he learned at the Kakao Talk open chat room’Born in 2008′ on the 6th, and taking him to his home in the metropolitan area.

In a later police investigation, Ms. B stated that she had been raped by Ms. A, but it was reported that Ms. A denied all charges, with allegations that Ms. B did not know she was an elementary school student.

Soka logo (Photo = Yonhap News)

This case brought public resentment when it was revealed that Soka refused to request information from Ms. B’s parents and the police during the golden time when the suspect was arrested before the outbreak of sexual assault.

Socar CEO Park Jae-wook issued an apology on the 10th and said, “I apologize to the police officials who did their best to protect the victims and arrest the suspects and to the people who were shocked by this incident.” In addition, he said that he will respond with the’no-tolerance principle’ to future criminal acts, and that “we will discuss and reorganize the response manual for cooperation in the investigation of the crime situation in the field in consultation with the responsible experts.”

[Pick]  Soka sexual assaulter'I didn't know I was an elementary school student

In the midst of this, the mother of the victim posted an article in the Blue House National Petition requesting the revision of the Personal Information Protection Act, saying, “I hope that children who have suffered the same damage as our daughter will not occur again.”

Petitioner said, “The police took the warrant, but did not give the information for reasons such as the absence of the person in charge,” and appealed that “the personal information law should be revised with this incident.”

This is’News Pick’.

(Photo = Blue House National Petition website capture/Yonhap News)
