[PGA] ‘Shot Eagle’ Jordan Spice leads two days in a row… winning streak after 3 years and 7 months

[서울=뉴스핌] Reporter Kim Yong-seok = Jordan Spice (28) maintained the lead two days in a row, and stepped closer to the victory after three years and seven months.

Spice reduced one stroke to one eagle, three birdies and four bogies in the third round of the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am Tour held at Pebble Beach Golf Course in California, USA on the 14th (Korean time).

[서울=뉴스핌] Reporter Yong-Seok Kim = Jordan Spice had the opportunity to add a PGA championship in 3 years and 7 months after winning Pebble Beach in 4 years. [사진= 로이터 뉴스핌] 2021.02.14 [email protected]

Spice, who recorded 203 strokes in the middle of the 13-under par, was in the lead alone, overtaking the tied second group with two strokes.

On this day, Spies joined the lead with a shot eagle with an 8 iron shot from 160 yards in the par 4 16 hole. Co-leader Daniel Burger (USA)’s par 5 and 18th hole tee shot became (OB) and committed a double bogie, and Spies took the lead alone.

Having won the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am in February 2017, he was given a chance to win the tournament in four years.

Spice showed confidence in his 12 wins, saying, “It seems that his chemistry with the Pebble Beach course is right.” Spice, who achieved 11 wins at the Open in July 2017, aims to win after 3 years and 7 months.

Kang Seong-hoon (34), the only Korean player to pass the cut, recorded a 4 over par, with a middle total of 1 over par, 217 strokes, down 22 places from the previous day, and tied for 59th.

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