Pfizer vaccine coming before the Lunar New Year holiday, the first medical staff vaccination in early February

On the 22nd, at the office of the Corona 19 Vaccination Promotion Team prepared at the Infectious Disease Prevention Countermeasure Headquarters at Daejeon City Hall, officials are holding a meeting on preparation for vaccination. Daejeon = News 1

The first vaccination group for the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine coming early next month is expected to be medical staff working at a corona 19 medical institution. Pfizer’s vaccine, which will be introduced through the global vaccine co-purchasing organization’Cobox Facility’, is the most powerful. After the Lunar New Year holiday, at the end of February, elderly people living in nursing hospitals and elderly medical welfare facilities will be vaccinated with the AstraZeneca Corona 19 vaccine commissioned by SK Bioscience. In the third quarter, adults under the age of 64, including those with chronic diseases, start vaccination.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, and the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported to the Blue House this year’s work plan, which includes the corona 19 vaccination schedule, on the 25th. According to this schedule, in Korea, by November, 70% of all citizens have completed vaccination and form collective immunity. However, it is premised that the three elements of △ vaccine supply △ clinical trial △ mutant virus do not interfere with a great deal.

First, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention set the first priority for vaccination as’persons with high risk of serious disease’ and the second priority as’manpower necessary to maintain the medical system and infrastructure’. Accordingly, it is highly likely that nursing hospitals, which are elderly and crowded with patients with underlying diseases, will be the top targets for vaccination. They will receive the domestically produced AstraZeneca vaccine together with medical staff in each hospital. “They will visit the facility where they work or stay to get the vaccination,” said Byeong-taek Bae, the planning coordinator of the Korea Disease Administration. According to the Korea Nursing Hospital Association, there are 1,478 nursing hospitals nationwide, excluding mental hospitals.

The top priority is a nursing hospital, but it is expected that the first vaccination target in a timely manner will be the medical staff of high-risk medical institutions that treat patients with Corona 19. Cobox’s initial supply of 50,000 people is expected to arrive before Lunar New Year. Earlier on the 23rd, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it had signed a vaccine contract with Pfizer for use in a nose box. Pfizer’s vaccine has to be received at a designated vaccination center because the number of deaths of elderly people in foreign countries where vaccination was first started and the cryogenic temperature of -70 degrees Celsius must be maintained. For this reason, the Defense Defense Agency seems to have decided that it is better to inoculate the Pfizer vaccine to workers in medical institutions than to the elderly.

Professor Kimoran of the National Cancer Center, a member of the Life Protection Committee, also appeared on a radio program on the same day, saying, “Medical staff treating COVID-19 patients received Pfizer vaccination at the vaccination center in early February, and AstraZeneca vaccination at the end of February. I will be fit in the hospital.” There are 250 vaccination centers nationwide that receive the Pfizer Modena vaccine, and about 10,000 medical institutions that receive the AstraZeneca and Janssen vaccines are selected.

In the second quarter, 20 million people for Modena vaccine and 6 million people for Janssen vaccine will come in. In line with this, we will start vaccination for the elderly over 65 with medical staff at general medical institutions. From this time on, as all four vaccines purchased by the government are supplied, there is a possibility that a’selection problem’ may arise. Coordinator Bae reaffirmed the policy not to select a vaccine, saying, “Even abroad, individuals are not given the right to choose a vaccine.”

The 10 million people contracted by the government with Pfizer will be supplied in the third quarter, at which time adults (19-64 years old), including those with chronic diseases, start vaccination. In this way, 70% (3,628 people) of the public have completed the first vaccination by September, and after the second vaccination by November, additional vaccinations are given to those who did not get the vaccine. Currently, the age group that can get the Corona 19 vaccine is 18 years of age or older, accounting for 85% (44.1 million people) of the people.

Lim So-hyung reporter
