Percivirence lands on Mars Jeerre Crater

The NASA Persistence Mars Rover team celebrates and cheers for the successful landing. [사진=NASA]
The NASA Persistence Mars Rover team celebrates and cheers for the successful landing. [사진=NASA]

US Mars exploration rover’Percivirance’ safely stepped on Mars after 203 days of journey on the 18th (local time).

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Research Institute confirmed the success of the landing at 3:55 a.m. on the 19th, California time, and officially announced it.

NASA also released the first picture taken after Percivirence landed on Mars. This picture was taken with a dangerous object detection camera mounted on Percivience, and the transparent protective cover is still covered.

Percivirance left to prepare for the existence of life on Mars and manned exploration on Mars. It was launched on July 30 last year and reached Mars after traveling 471 million kilometers for 203 days.

The first photo sent by Percivirence after landing on Mars. [사진=NASA/JPL-Caltech]

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