Perception of mobility… SK Telecom’T Map Mobility’ officially launched

On the 29th, E-Daily TV Big Money Part 1’News in Issue’ broadcast.

[이데일리TV 이혜라 기자] On the 29th, in E-Daily TV’s Big Money Part 1’News in Issue’, SK Telecom took a look at’T Map Mobility’, which was launched by spun off the mobility business group.

Has set a goal to leap forward as a comprehensive mobility company with’T Map’, a navigation platform.

With SKT’s acceleration of new growth business, competition with existing dominant companies is expected, and the stock price trend and strategy of related stocks were reviewed.

‘T Map Mobility’ was officially launched today.

-SKT, spin-off of mobility business group… Established an independent new corporation

-Purpose of becoming a comprehensive mobility company

-Full-scale’sharing service’ such as rental car and vehicle sharing centered on the’T Map’ platform

-Goal to achieve corporate value of 4.5 trillion won in 2025

Why is the spin-off?

-‘De-communication’ focus… Main purpose of new growth business

-Expected to revitalize cooperation and investment attraction with leading domestic and foreign companies

-Established JV (a joint venture) with Uber, USA

◇ What are your plans to become a comprehensive mobility company?

-“Mobility occupies the next largest portion of everyday life after mobile”

Main business of Tmap Mobility. Source = SK Telecom

Fierce competition among companies is expected for the mobility market.

Monthly active users. Source = Eugene Investment & Securities, SK Telecom, Kakao

-Intensifying competition among the three mobile carriers for autonomous driving and 5G

In the mid to long term, IPO plans were also revealed. What are the challenges to solve?

-Difficulties in attracting investment… urgent need to prepare differentiated services and specific incentives

-Friction with the existing taxi industry… Call fee

Telecom and mobility stock price trends and strategies?

-Mobility stocks that were born are not clearly strong

-Telecom stocks (,) maintain a positive view on the possibility of expanding the influence of mobility
