Pep’s pride… “The lowest ranking after winning Man City is second.”

Pep's pride...  “Man City, ranked second with the lowest ranking after winning”

[엑스포츠뉴스 김희웅 인턴기자] Manchester City coach Pep Guardiola has shown pride in the team.

Man City will face 3rd place Manchester United in the 27th round of the English Premier League (EPL) in the 2020/21 season to be held at the Etihad Stadium in Manchester, England at 1:30 a.m. Korean time on the 8th.

As it is a rival game, it is expected to be fiercer than any other game. In addition, it is a game that can be a watershed for winning competition. Man City (65 points) is far ahead of United (51 points), but if he wins this game, he can resist the pursuit of United.

Head coach Guardiola, ahead of the game, was proud of Manchester City’s competition for the championship. In an interview with the BBC, Guardiola said, “Do you know what the club has done best in the last 10 years? “We’ve always been there (top) the next season we won,” he said.

Manchester City, who first tasted the 2011/12 EPL championship, has never been out of the top four. In the 2015/16 season, the 4th place is the lowest under Manuel Feyegrini. In other words, it can be said that the title race has been held continuously for 10 years.

Coach Guardiola said, “(2017/18 season) The lowest ranking after the league conquest was second. “You can see how the other champions fight to get in the top four.” “We’ve always been consistent. This is how you earn respect. You can win once. But what we’ve been doing over the past decade is what I’m most proud of.”

Currently, Man City is running 21 consecutive wins in the official match, giving a green light to conquering EPL. In the first leg of the European Football Federation (UEFA) Champions League Round of 16, they beat Monchengladbach 2-0 and are waiting for the second leg. The FA Cup has reached the quarterfinals, and the Carabao Cup is set to face the final against Tottenham Hotspur in April.

“To fight for all titles between March and April means that it is a top club,” said Guardiola. That’s why we want to keep going. Our fans are demanding (winning).”

[email protected] / Photo = EPA/Yonhap News

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