‘People of Trump’ shocked… ready to leave

On the 6th, supporters of Trump climb the wall of the Capitol in Washington, USA, and attempt to enter without permission. Washington = AP Yonhap News

The Trump Exodus (Great Escape) is taking place in Washington, USA. On the 6th (local time), after President Donald Trump’s supporters invaded the Capitol, the administration and White House officials continued to resign from Domino. The shock wave is so great that the term of office less than two weeks is a sign of opposition and protest that the president cannot be with him. The’Trump Empire’ is rapidly collapsing as even his close associates turn their backs.

According to the US-Japan Washington Post (WP) on the 7th, Transportation Minister Elaine Chao announced that he will resign as the first cabinet member. He is the wife of the Republican Senate Representative Mitch McConnell, the Republican Congressman. It is worth guessing the intensity of the inner circle’s feelings of betrayal, as he has been in his position for four years despite the number of ministerial changes since the Trump administration was inaugurated. Minister Chao said of the occupation of the National Assembly the day before, “a very shocking and completely preventable event,” and “it is bothering me very much in a way that can not be put aside.” Education Minister Betsy DeVos also submitted a resignation letter, increasing the number of ministers to two.

Mick Mulvaini, the Northern Ireland envoy, who served as the White House Secretary’s Office, also appeared on CNBC on the same day to reveal the decision to resign. He expressed disappointment as he described the parliamentary raid as “internationally ridiculous tragedy.” He also criticized President Trump’s pledge of orderly transfer of power only after Congress finally certified Joe Biden as the next president at a joint Senate-House Meeting. If the president had been cleanly surrendered right after the presidential election, it would mean that the Republican Party would not have won the Georgia Senate runoff vote and could have avoided congressional violence.

Immediately after the intrusion, White House Assistant National Security Adviser Matthew Pottinger, First Lady Stepford Grisham, Chief Secretary of State, Ryan Turley, Senior Director of Europe and Russia of the White House National Security Council, etc., threw the posts. National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien and White House Deputy Secretary-General Chris Riddell are also reported to be seriously considering resigning.

With the change of power in front of the nose, the procession of evacuation of key executives is unusual. Reuters quoted a high-ranking official, saying, “Trump’s efforts to reverse further resignations of executives by mentioning the orderly transfer of power are unlikely to stop their departure.”

Heo Gyeongju reporter

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