‘Penthouse’ to the end of the unfolding… Oh Yoon-hee is the’XY Chromosome’ man?

Marked as male sex chromosome on the 29th broadcast
‘Oh Yoon-hee is a man’ and even the absurd speculation of’Oh Yoon-hee is a man’
Crew “Prop Error”… Deleted from online replay

A report of the DNA test result of the problem that appeared on SBS’Penthouse’ broadcast on the 29th. In the play, the sex chromosome of Oh Yoon-hee (Yujin) was marked as’XY’. If the sex chromosome combination is XY, it is male. SBS broadcast capture

In the drama’Penthouse’ aired on the 29th, the combination of sex chromosomes is known as XY. SBS broadcast capture

The SBS drama’Penthouse’, which is notorious for’development’, has risen to viewers with unrealistic drama props this time.

The noise started from the report of the DNA test result of Oh Yoon-hee (Yujin) exposed on the broadcast on the 29th. In this report, Oh Yoon-hee’s sex chromosome was marked as’XY’. If the combination of sex chromosomes is XY, it is male, and if it is XX, it is female. In terms of sex chromosomes, Oh Yoon-hee is a male. After broadcasting this, several online bulletin boards were flipped. In the drama, Shim Soo-ryun (Jia Ji-ah) poured out from the claim that “Isn’t he giving out a fake report?” to the assumption that “Oh Yoon-hee is actually a man”.

SBS drama’Penthouse’ poster. Among the female actors, only Yujin is standing. SBS provided

In the wake of Oh Yoon-hee’s male theory, a drama poster that was released before the broadcast was also summoned. Four out of five female actors are sitting on the poster, and only Yujin is standing alone. Three male actors, including Eom Gi-jun, are also standing. Since all of the male actors are standing, it has even been argued that standing Yujin is also a double track of’man’. As writer Kim Soon-ok’s drama development goes beyond common sense and doesn’t know where to bounce, all kinds of speculation beyond imagination are pouring out. The report in which Oh Yoon-hee’s chromosome is marked in XY appears in a scene where Shim Soo-hyun belatedly notices that the killer who killed his daughter Min Seol-ah (Jo Soo-min) was Oh Yoon-hee and accused him.

Is this report a’double track’ hidden by author Kim, or is it a simple mistake of the production team?

As a result of checking with the production team on the 30th, it was revealed as a mistake. An official of’Penthouse’ said that day, “a mistake in the accessories”. It means that the chromosome labeling was wrong.

Eventually, the production team decided to modify the scene and export it to online replay (VOD). The production crew apologized, saying, “We will modify it so that there is no inconvenience by watching it.”

Yang Seung-jun reporter

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