‘Penguin walk’ controversy after anal examination… Chinese claim that it was “manipulated”

Anal examinations conducted in some parts of China… “More accurate and not uncomfortable after examination”

'Penguin walk' controversy after anal examination...中
Video capture of controversy over anal examination in China. [이미지출처=연합뉴스]

[아시아경제 김봉주 기자] In China, after an anal examination of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), a video of walking around like a penguin became controversial, and the authorities dismissed it, saying, “It is not true.”

According to the China Global Times on the 1st, the Internet Reporting Center in Shijiazhuang City in Hebei Province claimed that the video had been fabricated.

In addition, as a result of checking with hospital medical staff, it was revealed that Shijiazhuang only took samples from the nose and throat, but did not perform an anal examination.

He emphasized that “anal examination is only performed for diarrhea patients hospitalized for Corona 19 and does not cause any inconvenience.”

The Global Times introduced the experience of netizens that there was no discomfort after an anal examination, and there was also an opinion that the film was taken after being circumcised because only boys appeared in the video.

The authorities urged them to be legally punished for spreading false information on the Internet.

Earlier, on Weibo, a video containing the images of people walking while wagging, saying, “Children who had an anal examination for Corona 19 in Shijiazhuang,” spread.

After the video was released, netizens responded with “Isn’t this a little. I don’t understand”, “Embarrassed and shameful test”, “Corona 19 test more scary than Corona”.

In Beijing, China, and Qingdao, Shandong Province, anal examinations are being conducted on visitors to the country or those in close contact with the confirmed case.

It is not a method of collecting a sample by inserting a cotton swab into the mouth or nose, but a method of collecting a sample by sticking a cotton swab into the anus.

China introduced the test in response to the opinion of experts that an anal test is more appropriate for finding patients with asymptomatic infections or confirmed patients whose respiratory symptoms have disappeared.

Reporter Kim Bong-ju [email protected]
