Pence “I don’t have the right to overturn the election results”… Eventually split up with Trump

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence expressed his intention not to reject the results of the electoral group at a joint Senate and House meeting on the 31st of last month (local time). [AP=연합뉴스]

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence expressed his intention not to reject the results of the electoral group at a joint Senate and House meeting on the 31st of last month (local time). [AP=연합뉴스]

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence has expressed his intent that he cannot reject the electoral corps voting results that resulted in the victory of President-elect Joe Biden. It is interpreted as the meaning of not agreeing to President Trump’s persistent demand for “reversing the presidential election”.

According to the New York Times (NYT), Vice President Pence said on the 31st of last month (local time) The vice-president asked the court to dismiss the lawsuit, claiming that he had no authority to overturn the electoral vote results.

Earlier, Republican Congressman Louis Gomert was in the federal court of the state of Texas. Vice President Pence must be guaranteed wide discretion in the electoral corps certification process.He filed a lawsuit against the’Electoral Count Act’ enacted in 1887.

Republican Congressman Louis Gomert filed a lawsuit against the Electoral Count Act, saying that the US vice president should have wide discretion in the electoral college certification process. [AP=연합뉴스]

Republican Congressman Louis Gomert filed a lawsuit against the Electoral Count Act, saying that the US vice president should have wide discretion in the electoral college certification process. [AP=연합뉴스]

The Elector Count Act is a law that regulates how Congress approves the results of presidential elections. According to this law, the Senate and House of Representatives hold a joint meeting on January 6 to certify the electoral vote results. The chairman of the Senate leads the joint meeting, and the chairman of the US Senate is assumed by the Vice President.

According to conventional practice, this procedure is more of a formal procedure for accepting the results of the electoral group vote already set on the 14th of last month. As the chairman of the Senate, the Vice President was also solely in the role of proceeding.

However, Republicans who filed a lawsuit, such as Congressman Gourmet, “According to the amendment, defendant Pence has the exclusive power and discretion to disclose and approve the electoral corps in certain states.”“In each state, if multiple electoral vote results are posted or there is an objection against the electoral group (in the parliament), it should be allowed to decide whether to approve or invalidate it,” he said.

In the process of certifying and promulgating the electoral corps, Vice President Pence made a decision in favor of the Republican Party, such as excluding the electoral corps in certain states that are unfavorable to U.S. President Donald Trump.

However, Vice President Pence said that in order for Gourmet’s lawsuit to be established, the interests of the plaintiff and the defendant must conflict, but here, because Vice President Pence is the only defendant, the Ministry of Justice, who represented Vice President Pence, said.

US President Donald Trump is posting the gist of

US President Donald Trump is posting the gist of “I look forward to January 6” in a tweet. January 6 is the day when the electoral vote results are certified and publicized, and some Republican lawmakers have announced that they will raise objections to the election results. [트위터 캡처]

The Washington Post (WP), although limited to legal matters, It is the first time that Vice President Pence has shown his will not to attempt to change the election results.Explained. Earlier, President Trump is putting pressure on Vice President Pence by posting a tweet stating “I look forward to January 6th.”

◇”I will appeal”… Republican infighting

Ahead of the joint meeting, inside the Republican Party, there was a split on both sides over the objection of the electoral group. Senator George Howley said he would do so, even though Republican Senator Mitch McConnell urged senators not to appeal to the electoral group.

On the 14th of last month (local time), Republican Senate Representative Mitch McConnell recognized President-elect Joe Biden's victory after the electoral vote ended.  He then urged Republican senators not to challenge the results of the electoral group. [AP=연합뉴스]

On the 14th of last month (local time), Republican Senate Representative Mitch McConnell recognized President-elect Joe Biden’s victory after the electoral vote ended. He then urged Republican senators not to challenge the results of the electoral group. [AP=연합뉴스]

Already in the Republican House of Representatives, 10 members of the House of Representatives have publicly announced that they will appeal to electoral groups in certain states such as Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia, and Wisconsin.

According to Politico, a media outlet in the United States, on the 31st of last month, Congressman McConnell pressed the Senate Republican Party to explain the grounds for the objection. Republican Senator Ben Sase said the day before, “the president and his aides are playing with fire,” and urged Republican lawmakers to abstain from the objection.

It is unlikely that Republican objections to the results of the electoral group will lead to President Trump’s victory. If there is an objection in a particular state, the Senate and the House of Representatives decide whether to approve the state’s electoral group through discussions and votes, because the Democratic Party occupies a majority in the House and the Republican leadership in the Senate has expressed opposition.

In addition, in order to invalidate the election of Biden, who has secured a 306 electoral corps, the results of several states must be reversed.

Reporter Seok Kyung-min [email protected]
