Pelosi appeared in’impeachment dress’, “the president is not above the law”

“Today the House of Representatives has shown in a bipartisan way that neither the US president is above the law. I sign with a sad and bitter heart.”

This is what US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi left just before he signed the second impeachment bill against President Donald Trump on the 13th (local time). As if emphasizing the message’sad and grieving’, he wore a black dress and entered the main hall. It contrasted with the usual intense primary color’power suit’.

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wore a black dress reminiscent of mourning on the 13th.  The picture above is at the time of President Trump's first impeachment in late 2019. [EPA=연합뉴스]

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wore a black dress reminiscent of mourning on the 13th. The picture above is at the time of President Trump’s first impeachment in late 2019. [EPA=연합뉴스]

This dress, reminiscent of mourning, is the so-called’impeachment dress’ that was introduced more than a year ago. The US media said, “It was worn at the time of passing the first impeachment against President Trump in late 2019.”

The black dress he wore on this day emphasized the seriousness of the riots that took place at the Capitol Hill and made the impeachment proceedings appear as a solemn political ritual. Even when Pelosi stood on the podium of the main house of the House of Representatives at 4:35 p.m. and declared the adoption of the impeachment prosecution, the Democrats remained silent. It looked different from 2019, when some lawmakers clapped their hands and welcomed the passage of the impeachment bill. The British Daily Independent said, “On the social network service (SNS), many people assessed that Pelosi sent a powerful symbolic message through clothing.”

Chairman Pelosi used a speech stand that had been seized during the congressional invasion in a meeting with the US media. Known when a man in his thirties left a picture after being taken over, the spearhead served as a reminder of the protesters’ illegality and violence.

Chairman Pelosi speaks prior to signing Trump's impeachment bill passed by the House of Representatives. [AP=연합뉴스]

Chairman Pelosi speaks prior to signing Trump’s impeachment bill passed by the House of Representatives. [AP=연합뉴스]

Adam Johnson was arrested on charges of intruding into Congress, including taking a speech by Chairman Nancy Pelosi. [AFP=연합뉴스]

Adam Johnson was arrested on charges of intruding into Congress, including taking a speech by Chairman Nancy Pelosi. [AFP=연합뉴스]

Chairman Pelosi was the head of the opposition in the House of Representatives and has been confronting President Trump for four years. In particular, at the time of President Trump’s New Year’s speech in February of last year, the chairman’s seat was presented with a’performance’ that tears up the manuscript of the speech, causing controversy. In response, President Trump also set a corner on Twitter, calling Chairman Pelosi’Mad Nancy’ and’Mad Pelosi’.
Reporter Kim Hong-bum [email protected]
