PD Ahn Joon-young confirmed 2 years in prison for breaking news produce manipulation

PD Ahn Joon-young appeals for manipulating votes for’Produce’
“Sentenced two years in prison” by the court

PD Ahn Joon-young, who is accused of manipulating the Mnet audition program’Produce’ series, was sentenced to two years in prison.

On the 11th, the third division of the Supreme Court (Presiding Judge Kim Jae-hyung) announced that it had confirmed the court case sentenced to two years in prison and an additional surcharge of 37 million won at the appeal of PD Ahn Joon-young, who was accused of fraud and other charges.

CP (General Producer) Kim Yong-beom, charged with the same charges, was sentenced to one year and eight months in prison, and the court judgment was maintained.

The suspicion of manipulating the’Produce’ vote was raised as an unexpected person was selected as the debut group in the final contest of season 4, which aired in 2019. As a result of the viewer’s vote, the analysis that the number of votes in the 1st to 20th place were all explained by a multiple of a certain number grew, and the suspicion grew.

PD Ahn Joon-young was accused of manipulating the paid text voting results of viewers who are’national producers’ in a live broadcast contest for seasons 1-4 of’Produce 101′. After the voting was manipulated, he was also charged with benefiting certain participants and receiving entertainment for tens of millions of won from entertainment agency officials.

Earlier, the first trial court sentenced PD Ahn to two years in prison and an additional surcharge of 37 million won, and Kim Yong-beom CP to one year and eight months in prison. Aunt PD and five executives and staff members of the agency were sentenced to fines ranging from 5 million won to 10 million won.

PD Ahn and others admitted most of the charges, such as ranking manipulation, but insisted that this was not due to personal greed and that they had not received any fraudulent solicitations. He objected to the judgment and appealed, but was sentenced to two years in jail at the hearing of the appeals trial held in November last year, the same as the first trial.

Reporter Kim Ye-rang [email protected]

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