[PD수첩 예고] Is it a’faster, more expensive’ reconstruction myth or reconstruction runaway?

“It will take 20 years, 7 years if I do it”, Center of Banpo Apartment Reconstruction Project, Hyungki Han, President

“I am the only person in Korea with such a career.” His reconstruction project, the back side

A man living in a penthouse at Acro River Park, Banpo, Seoul. He is Han Hyeong-gi, head of the 1st Shinbanpo (now Acro River Park) reconstruction association. In September 2011, Mr. Han, who became president of the president, made two pledges. ‘I will move in the fastest in Korea’,’I will make the most profitable in Korea.’ His words soon became reality. The reconstruction project, which had been sluggish for 17 years, began to accelerate. The new apartment was completed less than five years later. In 2019, three years after moving in, the price per pyeong (3.3㎡) of this apartment exceeded 100 million won (based on the exclusive area of ​​84㎡). Last month, the actual transaction price of the same area was 3.72 billion won.

However, the hearts of some residents are not comfortable. This is because the union problem has not been solved even after more than 4 years of moving in. The union’s executives requested 20 billion won, which is 20% of the cooperative’s 100.5 billion won, as an incentive. This issue has also spread to court battles over the past five years.

Despite this innocence, President Hyung-ki Han calls himself a’god of reconstruction’ and’emperor of reconstruction’. He claims that it is “150% of you” who made Acro River Park’s reputation. Mr. Han says that he can do what will take 20 years in 7 years. Active marketing, crossing illegal and illegal, was one of his secrets. Every time he gets a business license, he’smacks’ the media, and he took the lead in fixing prices and managing nearby real estate. He also told the brokers that’whoever sells for the highest price gives an additional 100 million won bonus’. At the same time, internally, it emphasized the incentive system, active participation of members, and, in the extreme, the’member expulsion card’. It means that everything that is blocking the business is done without any means. He does not hide that he is the 7th criminal, and the litigation costs incurred so far exceed 100 million won. All of this was treated as a combination fee.

Han Hyung-gi, head of the association, is also involved in the integrated reconstruction of 5 complexes including Sinbanpo 3rd and Sinbanpo 2nd reconstruction beyond the 1st Shinbanpo. He actively utilized a construction project management company, aka CM, in charge of on-site consulting. After selecting a new company with less than three years of business at the time of the contract, Mr. Han actually led the reconstruction project. The CM was then in charge of another Banpo reconstruction project and won a total of over 20 billion won. This CM wasn’t the only one that expanded the business to the Banpo area immediately after the first Shinbanpo project. Many of the companies involved in the 1st Sinbanpo reconstruction project also had contracts for other Banpo reconstruction projects. How was this possible in the competitive bidding structure?

Even at the Raemian One Bailey plant near Acro River Park, Mr. Han was at the center of controversy. Although he is a member of the union, Hyung-ki Han is said to have formed a union officer with his aides. He emphasized that his penthouse had a serious condensation problem and that he had to put in a German sash (sash). One Bailey’s sash (sash) was already selected as German-made without the members knowing it, but at the briefing session, the union officers and the construction company said that it would be difficult to proceed with the construction unless they used German-made controversy. Despite various controversies, Han Hyung-ki is still looking for 40 apartments nationwide. Is he a’god of reconstruction’ or a’runaway of reconstruction’ according to his own evaluation?

The PD notebook will be broadcast at 10:40 pm on the 26th.
