Pastor Kwang-Hoon Jeon was sentenced to acquittal with’Jojung-dong’ again.

The Chosun, JoongAng, and Dong-A Ilbo posted the statement of Pastor Kwang-Hoon Jeon’s position on “Pastor Kwang-Hoon Jeon sentenced innocent” through advertisements on the 31st and 1st of last month.

Advertising is not an article. However, advertisements are also a kind of information that is spread to the public when media companies select and report on the paper. Following last August, leading daily newspapers are again representing the controversial position of the controversial party by spreading false manipulation information on YouTube channels and interfering with the COVID-19 quarantine.

▲ An advertisement for Pastor Kwang-Hoon Jeon's innocence in the opinion pages of the Chosun Ilbo, JoongAng Ilbo, Dong-A Ilbo and Munhwa Ilbo on the 31st of last month.
▲ An advertisement for Pastor Kwang-Hoon Jeon’s innocence in the opinion pages of the Chosun Ilbo, JoongAng Ilbo, Dong-A Ilbo and Munhwa Ilbo on the 31st of last month.

[관련 기사 : ‘조중동’이 전면 실어준 전광훈과 사랑제일교회 입장]

On the 30th of last month, the 34th Division of the Criminal Agreement of the Seoul Central District Court (President Judge Heo Seon-ah) sentenced all pastors to “not guilty” for violating the Public Officials Election Act and defamation. Pastor Jeon was handed over to trial by saying, “Please support the free-right party in the April 15 general election” and “Moon Jae-in is a spy” at prayer meetings at Gwanghwamun Plaza between the beginning of December 2018 and January of last year.

Chosun·Jungang·East Asia·Culture, Jeon Kwang-hoon Admission for 2 days

The Chosun Ilbo, JoongAng Ilbo, and Dong-A Ilbo on the 31st of last month and two days of last month posted an advertisement at the bottom representing Pastor Kwang-Hoon Jeon’s position in Opinion-myeon. Munhwa Ilbo posted an advertisement at the bottom of the opinion page on the 31st of last month.

On the 31st of last month, Kim Soo-yeol, the head of the group, and Pastor Kwang-Hoon Jeon and 1460 civic groups, through Jo Jung-dong and the Munhwa Ilbo, issued a statement titled, “The release of all Pastors Jeon Kwang-hoon innocent is the victory of the Republic of Korea!”. Bonhoeper) Dear people! Korea is returning. We, Gwanghwamun patriots, will surely establish the Republic of Korea right.”

▲ An advertisement published on the Chosun Ilbo opinion page on the 1st.
▲ An advertisement published on the Chosun Ilbo opinion page on the 1st.

The Chosun Ilbo, the JoongAng Ilbo, and the Dong-A Ilbo posted different advertisements from the previous day on the pages of the 1st.

The Chosun Ilbo read on page 30, “Kookmin, get up. With the title of “Let’s protect the country from the chiefs,” “This is dictatorship, what is dictatorship!” Journalists, bureaucrats, and red guards who have infiltrated all walks of life should leave the Republic of Korea whether they change their way. Korea has already entered the rule of Kim Jong-un. The patriotic citizens of Gwanghwamun will never sit down.”

▲ Advertisements posted on the Dong-A Ilbo and JoongAng Ilbo opinion pages on the 1st.
▲ Advertisements posted on the Dong-A Ilbo and JoongAng Ilbo opinion pages on the 1st.

The Dong-A Ilbo and JoongAng Ilbo on page 31 were titled “Kookmin, let’s rise up and keep the constitution and system”, “Impeach Moon Jae-in, the main criminal of the Constitution Nongdan. Impeach the government of the main culprit of Gukjeong Nongdan. Impeach Moon Jae-in who stole his freedom.”

Public, Central, and Dong-A, full-page advertisement for’Government makes church victims’

The Kookmin Ilbo and the JoongAng Ilbo and the Dong-A Ilbo posted a’front advertisement’ on the page of last month’s 31st of the Korean church press claiming that the Moon Jae-in regime is scapegoating the church in the Corona 19 situation. On August 15, last year, he violated the quarantine guidelines and posted another position on the former pastor who is responsible for the spread of Corona 19.

On August 14, last year, the Kookmin Ilbo and the Chosun Ilbo published an advertisement for a large-scale rally for the ‘Korean People’s Movement Headquarters for Straightening the Republic of Korea’ (large national version) held on August 15 last year. Since then, the Chosun, JoongAng, Dong-A, and Munhwa Ilbo received an advertisement for’Sarang First Church and Pastor Jeon Kwang-hoon’ on August 20 last year. After the public rally on August 15 last year, as several people who participated in the rally received confirmation of Corona 19, the criticism of the advertisement intensified.

In November of last year, the Korea Newspaper Ethics Committee conducted advertisements published by Chosun, JoongAng, East Asia, Culture, and the Kookmin Daily. However, the Newspaper Ethics Committee dismissed the deliberation complaint, saying, “The posting of opinion advertisements is a matter that should be judged inside the press.” Then, the Citizens’ Alliance for Democratic Press pointed out that “The Newspaper Ethics Committee is receiving more than 700 million won in public funds from the Korea Press Foundation and does not deliberate properly.”

[관련 기사 : “7억 넘는 공적 기금받는 심문윤리위, 제대로 심의해야”]

▲ Full-page advertisements in the Kukmin Ilbo, JoongAng Ilbo and Dong-A Ilbo on the 31st of last month.  Five organizations, including the Korean Church Press, issued a full-page advertisement to guarantee religious freedom, saying that the government is discriminating against the church only.
▲ Full-page advertisements in the Kukmin Ilbo, JoongAng Ilbo and Dong-A Ilbo on the 31st of last month. Five organizations, including the Korean Church Press, issued a full-page advertisement to guarantee religious freedom, saying that the government is discriminating against the church only.

Nevertheless, the media also published an advertisement claiming that the church’s non-face-to-face worship was a’violation of religious freedom’. On the 31st of last month, the Kookmin Ilbo posted 38 pages, the JoongAng Ilbo on 26 pages, and the Dong-A Ilbo on 25 pages. The core content of the position statements issued by the Korean Church Press Association and other five organizations is that only churches are forced to worship without face-to-face, and are trampling on religious freedom guaranteed by the constitution.

Organizations said, “Especially the church actively cooperated for the government’s policy and the health of the people while thoroughly quarantining. However, as a result, the church has been hindered by worship due to unconstitutional interference and discriminatory restrictions on the church, and the negative image of the church is causing enormous damage.”

Subsequently, organizations argued that the number of confirmed cases increased since the Gwanghwamun assembly on August 15th was not the responsibility of the church.

Organizations said, “The second great proliferation took place in August, and the government encouraged people to take vacations and rest, saying it was the Korean version of the New Deal from July 21st. At that time, about 20 million vacationers flocked to the resort. In addition, the government set August 17 as a temporary holiday and extended the vacation period.” “The government transferred responsibility for the spread of this time to the August 15 Gwanghwamun rally and forcibly inspected 3,680 participants. , 305 confirmed cases came out and the positive rate was 0.9%, which was lower than the infection rate of other groups.”

Finally, organizations said, “The government is a democratic dictatorship. With totalitarian ideas, religion is suppressed and liberal democracy is destroyed. Why? Immediately stop the government from undermining religious freedom! Stop the evil act of sacrificing Christianity!”

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