Pastor Kwang-Hoon Jeon released a no-mask sermon “Jae-yong Lee’s arrest instructs North Korea”

Pastor Gwang-hoon Jeon Sarangjeil Church visits and preaches a church in Jeonju, Jeonbuk. [뉴시스]

Pastor Gwang-hoon Jeon Sarangjeil Church visits and preaches a church in Jeonju, Jeonbuk. [뉴시스]

Pastor Jeon Kwang-hoon Sarangjeil Church, who was found not guilty in court on the 30th of last month and was released, continues to preach nationwide.

On the 19th, Pastor Jeon visited a church in Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do and gave a sermon with the theme of’Wake up, Jeollabuk-do.’ The sermon was not allowed by outsiders, and the preaching proceeded with the police and Jeonju government officials who visited to check compliance with the quarantine regulations.

However, all of his comments were broadcast live on YouTube. Pastor Jeon gave a sermon that could be seen as a local demeanor, saying, “The original heart of Jeolla-do was the right wing, but since then, it was destroyed one by one by the spies who were sent to South Korea.” He said, “Please listen carefully to the people of Jeolla-do. Do you want to break up the Republic of Korea and go to a society like North Korea? If not, you shouldn’t take that posture.”

He argued that the previous day, Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong of Samsung Electronics was sentenced to two years and six months in prison at a repatriation trial for the destruction of the Gukjeong Nongdan and was also arrested as’North Korea’s instructions’. Pastor Jeon said, “Because of the arrest of Vice Chairman Lee, only 28 trillion won in Samsung Electronics stocks was blown away.”

This is a remark that differs slightly from the facts. Although it is true that Samsung Electronics’ share price has fallen due to the news of Lee’s restraint, the figure of 28 trillion won is the decrease in the market cap of all 16 Samsung groups, including Samsung Electronics and Samsung C&T and Samsung Life Insurance. Samsung Electronics’ share price rebounded 2.3% in one day on the 19th.

Meanwhile, Jeonju is planning to review whether the act of not wearing a mask at the time of the preacher’s sermon violates the COVID-19 prevention regulations. An official from Jeonju said, “Under the guidelines of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters, preachers are allowed to wear masks in terrestrial broadcasts, which are public domains, but we know that YouTube channels in private areas should wear masks. I will review it.”

Pastor former pastor said, “Moon Jae-in is a spy,” and was charged with defaming President Moon Jae-in’s reputation, and was freed of innocence on the 30th of last month. The first trial judge decided that the term “spy” was a critical opinion, saying that there was a lot of room to be interpreted as “a person friendly to North Korea.”

Reporter Lee Ga-young [email protected]
