Park Young-sun’Half-Price Apartment Offer’… Sang-ho Woo’Redevelopment of Underdeveloped Area in Gangbuk

“The gap should not be widened, but narrowed …the achievements, starting from Seoul”

Democratic Party lawmaker Woo Sang-ho and former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-seon, who have declared a run for the mayor of Seoul, are taking commemorative photos at the Democratic Party Policy Expo in Seoul held at the Democratic Party Seoul Party in Yeouido, Seoul on the 27th. /yunhap news

In addition, preliminary candidates for the Mayor of Seoul from the Democratic Party announced on the 27th a real estate pledge.

This afternoon, at the event’Policy Expo in Seoul’, a regional policy discussion meeting held at the Seoul Metropolitan Government of the Democratic Party in Yeouido, Seoul.

Former Minister of SMEs and Startups Park Young-sun introduced the pledge of a ’21-minute compact city’, which aims to transform Seoul into 21 self-sufficient multi-nuclear distributed cities and create a living area that allows all movement within 21 minutes. He met with reporters and said, “I will show you what the landmark of the city is, and the vertical garden city in 21 minutes.” I can provide it.” He added that “private reconstruction and redevelopment should also be respected.” Earlier in a radio interview, he mentioned with the intention of agreeing, saying, “Should be” when asked about his position on the reconstruction and redevelopment of Gangnam, Seoul.

Rep. Woo Sang-ho made a pledge of public housing, saying, “I’m living in a reversal trend of 400 million won (deposit) and 500,000 won (monthly rent),” and “I understand the homeless people better than anyone.” He promised to provide public rental housing for 10 years for young people, 20 years for newlyweds and public private housing for 30 years for homeless people. In addition, he emphasized, “We will partially release redevelopment and redevelopment in the underdeveloped areas of Gangbuk, so that people can live in good homes and revitalize commercial areas.”

In a congratulatory remark, CEO Nak-yeon Lee said, “The widening of the gap is even worse in Seoul, and efforts to reduce it are also being made in Seoul.” “We must not increase the gap any longer, but close it. That effort must come out of Seoul.”

Hong Ik-pyo, head of the Institute for Democracy, cited Japan’s Urban Strategy Research Institute’s 2020 Global Competitiveness Rankings, and emphasized the need for improvement, saying, “Seoul ranked 39th out of 48 cities in terms of housing prices and other housing items.”

/ Intern reporter Jisu Kang [email protected]

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