Park Young-sun “Suggested Special Prosecution on LH Incident to the Democratic Party…No, there is no reason not to fail”

Input 2021.03.12 10:53 | Revision 2021.03.12 10:58

“I’ll wait for Kim Tae-nyeon’s answer”

On the 12th, candidate Park Young-sun, Mayor of the Democratic Party of Seoul, suggested the introduction of a special prosecution to the Democratic Party in connection with the speculation of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH). Candidate Park said at the inauguration ceremony of the Election Countermeasure Committee held in the Anguk Building in Jongno-gu, Seoul that morning, “the government joint investigation team announced yesterday, but citizens do not trust it.”

In addition, Democratic Party candidate Park Young-seon, mayor of Seoul, speaks at the inauguration ceremony of the Election Countermeasure Committee in Anguk-dong, Seoul on the 12th. / Candidate Park Young-seon Camp

Candidate Park said, “Acquiring unfair profits is an anti-social act that takes away the dreams of ordinary people and destroys fairness,” he said. “You have to take responsibility firmly. You must cut it off. And you must innovate.” At the same time, he said, “I will wait for the answer from the hospital representative, Tae-nyeon Kim.”

Candidate Park met with reporters after the inauguration ceremony and said, “In order to insulate from fierce speculation, the prosecution and the police must cooperate,” and “We have to do a special prosecution and do it quickly.” Candidate Park said, “It doesn’t matter who starts from,” the Democratic Party proposed the day before for a full-scale survey on real estate speculation of 300 members of the National Assembly.

Candidate Park said, “Since members of the National Assembly are in a position to fully access (development) information, it would be better to solve this problem cleanly through a special prosecution.” He also said, “I don’t think there is a reason for not being able to do a special prosecutor for the opposition party,” he said. “The special prosecutor doesn’t take much time.”

After seeing the results of the government’s first joint investigation the day before, candidate Park said that he would suggest his thoughts on the LH crisis to the party and the government if necessary.
