Park Young-sun, saying, “I’m sad”… a signal that is imminent to reorganize?

Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun explains the policy direction of SMEs at the New Year’s Meeting, a small and medium-sized company, held at the SMEs in Yeouido, Seoul on the 19th. National Company Reporters

“I didn’t express my regret, but it was reported that I did it, so… I do my best to small and medium-sized business people, and I pour out a lot of affection, so I feel sad.”

This is a remark on the 19th by Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun. It was interpreted as a’signal of impending revision’. This is because the word “I poured out a lot of affection” is read as “I am leaving soon.” There is a strong prospect that Park will withdraw as early as the 20th to run for the mayor of Seoul by-election.

Minister Park attended the ‘2021 New Year’s Meeting of Small and Medium Enterprises’ held at the KBIZ Hall of the Small and Medium Business Administration in Yeouido, Seoul. He started the first word of the New Year’s Deokdam with “I’m sorry.” It was in mind that the report stated that’Minister Park will submit his resignation as early as 20th and declare running for mayor of Seoul’.

Minister Park pointed out that’KOSPI 3000′ was written on the back of the event hall. I looked back. He added meaning, “(stock price rise) was the power of innovative small and medium-sized venture companies.”

“The most memorable thing in the mid-term work is…” he pointed out that he quickly provided support for small business owners, established a non-face-to-face economy department in the mid-term, and activated K-unicorn. In fact, it was evaluated as’imsa Lee’.

There are many prospects that the timing of the resignation of Park will not exceed this week. An official from the passport said, “As there is a schedule for the Democratic Party mayoral candidate for the Seoul Mayor, it seems that I have settled my mind toward resigning not too late.” Observations are mixed about the’look of resignation’. First, when President Moon Jae-in nominates his successor, the weight is on the side that naturally retires. This is because if a successor is not decided and resignation is made, it can be criticized for “abandoning the post of minister for election”.

Along with the possibility of promotion to Vice Minister Kang Seong-cheon as the successor of Minister Park, Seung-il Jeong, former Vice Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy is also named. It is highly likely that the reorganization of three or four ministries will be carried out simultaneously with the mid-term ministry. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries are discussed as targets for replacement.

However, the scenario that Park would inevitably express his appreciation first because of the verification of candidates for ministerial ministers still remained. This is because of the burden of dividing it into two divisions last month and then performing another’split reshuffle’. A passport official said, “I know that the verification of one or two ministerial candidates has not been finally finished,” and also opened the possibility of Park’s’goodbye alone’.

Shin Eun-byul reporter

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