Park Young-sun “Oh Se-hoon and the power of the people, TBS is not entitled to speak of bias”

Park Young-seon and Democratic Party Mayor Mayor Oh Se-hoon, who said TBS was biased, said, “Candidate Oh is not entitled to say that TBS is biased.”

It criticized the press as being repressed to curb reports of the truth over the power of the people who accused the KBS reporter and the president who reported on the surveying witness of KBS Naegok-dong. Along with this, he stressed that there must be a so-called ‘Shhai Progress’ that does not appear in public opinion polls.

Candidate Park Young-seon explained the election situation at the end of the election, making such a statement at a meeting with Democratic Party Internet reporters at the National Assembly Assembly Hall on the afternoon of the 4th.

In the media today’s reporter’s inquiry, “What is your opinion about raising the bias of the news factory for the reason, saying that the news factory of Kim Eo-jun is called the news factory in Oh Se-hoon camp, and this election is an election that judges the news factory?” I don’t think the power of the people deserves to say this,” he said. “(When Candidate Oh served as mayor) President Lee Myung-bak’s weekly speech for 4 years (actually 3 years left-right after the speech, spokesman Han-gyu Kim corrected it). When I was President Chun Doo-hwan, I was at MBC, and it was the party that censored the media.” Candidate Park said, “I want to ask if the power of the people is entitled to say that,” and said, “I saw the permission for TBS, and I have permission to do everything else, as well as weather and traffic. “We know that (Candidate Oh’s) interpretation of’we only have to do weather traffic’ is an incorrect interpretation.”

When Candidate Oh’s side accused KBS of reporting’Naegok-dong surveying participation’, and when asked how to view MBC as a media camp for Park Young-sun and TBS as a propaganda broadcasting, Candidate Park said, “In the case of KBS reporting, “Isn’t the attitude of trying to gag your mouth on the report to inform you?” said, “For example, the testimony of the owner and son of an ecological bathhouse came out and pictures showing that the brother-in-law was not at the site in Naegok-dong at that time. If you’re here, I think it’s right for Candidate Oh to make a statement about this. He said, “Isn’t it just to admit it just by not revealing any position?”

In this regard, Candidate Se-hoon Oh briefly refuted the testimony that the owner of the ecological bathhouse and his son, who appeared in the news factory of Eo-Jun Kim on TBS Radio’s news factory, had seen Candidate Oh, saying, “It is not true.”

When asked whether to agree with the evaluation that TBS is biased, candidate Park Young-sun said, “It is judged by viewers that the press is not biased,” and argued that “if this broadcast is biased, the audience rating will drop.” Candidate Park said that when he was at MBC during the 5th ball, he had higher audience ratings than KBS. “I thought that MBC was less closely related to power than KBS, so the people watched MBC.” “If you think that TBS is biased, maybe Listeners will ignore this broadcast. However, it is not right first to say that they are biased according to their own standards, and the power of the people is not qualified to talk about this.”

▲ Mayor Park Young-sun, together with Democratic Party Mayor of Seoul, speak at a conference with Democratic Party Internet reporters held at the National Assembly Assembly Hall on the afternoon of the 4th.  Photo = Reporter Cho Hyun-ho
▲ Mayor Park Young-sun, together with Democratic Party Mayor of Seoul, speak at a conference with Democratic Party Internet reporters held at the National Assembly Assembly Hall on the afternoon of the 4th. Photo = Reporter Cho Hyun-ho

Candidate Park continued, “Another thing is, Mayor Oh Se-hoon published an advertisement in the newspaper saying that he was opposed to free meals while he was in office.” “As far as I know, only the advertising fee for the newspaper was 360 million won (actually 380 million won, a spokeswoman Han-gyu Kim said. I remember that later correction) went out.” Candidate Park said, “I didn’t give it to the entire newspaper, but to a specific company,” he said. “What should I say about this?” I think that the bias of the press is enough for viewers, listeners, and readers to judge and express their opinions.”

Along with this, he criticized the current media reports as being unfair. Candidate Park said, “It happened this morning, and there was an economic journal article ( saying that’The atmosphere on the site is quite different from the polls’, but it was deleted within an hour of being posted on the portal. There have been several cases where the lie section and related articles disappeared from the portal.” Candidate Park emphasized, “I still feel very heartbreaking in the fact that the media control and distortions that occurred during the past military regime in Korea are still in the area related to freedom of the press.”

Supporters point out that there are a lot of articles that are unfavorable to Candidate Park, but when asked what kind of opinion they are, Candidate Park said, “It is true that there are a lot of distortions of new conservative media in the media environment.” Even if the dotcom came out and protested against the article that came out, I think there are a lot of new types of media distortions, “It’s not our article.” Candidate Park said, “I think this is also a part that we should look into for the media and just reporting in the future.” In the case of distorted articles and articles whose facts are unclear, It comes out as a dot-com article. When I call the head of the political department or the reporter in charge of the National Assembly (of the editing bureau of the shrine), they say,’I don’t know because we don’t use it.’

“Shai there is definitely progress”

Candidate Park replied, “I don’t know what percentage of Shai Jinbo, but it is clear” to a daily reporter’s question about how much Shai Jinbo is. When asked about the reason, Candidate Park said, “For just one day yesterday, someone from COEX Mall came and told me in a very quiet voice saying,’I voted and took it once.’” “My husband was also in Seoul yesterday. They said,’I filmed (Candidate Park)’, but they all mention it in a small way.”

Regarding the reason the Justice Party does not join the campaign, Candidate Park said, “Rep. Jo Jung-hoon came to the campaign together, and Congressman Lee Sang-don also came with us yesterday.” Told. When asked about the reaction of Rep. Shim, candidate Park said, “I called and said I would call again.”

▲ Mayor Park Young-sun and Democratic Party Mayor of Seoul are preparing for a meeting with Democratic Party Internet reporters held at the National Assembly Assembly Hall on the afternoon of the 4th.  Photo = Reporter Cho Hyun-ho
▲ Mayor Park Young-sun and Democratic Party Mayor of Seoul are preparing for a meeting with Democratic Party Internet reporters held at the National Assembly Assembly Hall on the afternoon of the 4th. Photo = Reporter Cho Hyun-ho

When asked by reporter Cheonji Ilbo that Park Young-seon’s performance was not highlighted by Oh Se-hoon’s negative in this election, Candidate Park said, “I do not agree with the evaluation of the negative.” no. The removal of the green belt was carried out by the mayor of the city of Seoul, and it is a policy of the city of Seoul. It turns out to be a lie that I didn’t know.” Candidate Park said, “He said he knew everything about unwinding the Songpa district on the green belt, but there cannot be that he didn’t know only Naegok-dong. “Would the director of the green belt solve all the problems or not?”

Deciding something of a materiality decision, the candidate should answer Oh?

On the 2nd, Park distanced himself from the fact that Democratic Party lawmaker Jin Seong-joon of Candidate Park’s Seondae committee said that Oh would make a major decision if there was no answer to the lie and resignation. Candidate Park said, “This is what Chairman Seong-joon Jin said, and there was no exchange or rapport in advance.” It was the content of’do’. Candidate Oh hasn’t been talking about the pictures of the son and brother-in-law of the ecological bathhouse owner, but we are waiting for the answer.”

When asked by the media today about the truthfulness of the claim that Park has decided to resign, Candidate Park said, “Isn’t that a joke? Is it worth talking about it? Why am I resigning?” “Rather, I am a resignation expert. I resigned 10 years ago, and did you say I would resign if a witness came out this time?”

He stressed that although people in their 20s and 30s may have been disappointed and frustrated over the separation of public sentiment, there are also many conflicting people. When asked if he admits to the public sentiment of the 20s and 30s, and whether the media reports are acknowledged, and why he believes it is, Candidate Park said, “It is very difficult for people in their 20s to 30s because the opacity related to the job related to Corona 19 continues and there are quite a lot of worries in the future. “I think I can feel frustrated enough,” he said.

Candidate Park said, “Although 2030 was disappointed and frustrated with the Democratic Party, there are many people who struggle with the responsibility to create a fair Seoul because of that part of being a liar candidate.”

Regarding the high pre-voting rate, Candidate Park said, “The fact that the Democratic Party has been lacking in the pre-voting rate has been lacking, but now the gathering has begun.” Isn’t it impossible to teach the children to become, or is it not such a broken heart?’ There are many awake citizens.”

The party leadership apologized for the sexual harassment of former Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon, but asked Pressian reporter whether this situation is appropriate in which secondary abuse is still being made and related books become bestsellers. “My position is the same. I’m a woman, and I know a lot of coworkers who had to act like people who had nothing to do with my heart hurt while working at work for 40 years. “I have a lot of desire to protect such people,” he said. “I think women are the weak and need sufficient support for the weak.”

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